S’pore Grand Prix 2020 Formula 1 ‘Super Early Bird’ Promo Tickets Released; Up To 28% Off

As the years past, we sort of expect the Singapore Grand Prix to be held year in and year out. Now, what do I mean by this?

Well, nearing the Formula 1 race, most of the roads in the city start to get ‘boarded up’ or ‘enclosed’ left and right with the metal fence.

It’s a telling sign that sparks joy and excitement in me and hopefully you too. (I’m assuming that if you’re reading this article it means you’re a fan of F1… right?)

Well, if that’s the case, then I have more good news for you.

S’pore Grand Prix 2020 Formula 1 ‘Super Early Bird’ Promo Tickets Released; Up To 28% Off

Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix have released their “Super Early Bird” tickets for the 2020 night race at promotional prices.

Did someone say promotional prices?

Image: Giphy

Wait, there’s more.

Those who purchase the Super Early Bird Tickets will essentially be reaping up to 28% off in savings. How worth it is that?

It’s pretty much a no brainer that buying tickets for anything during the early bird period will guarantee you savings and the tickets you want.

Also, can you believe that it’s already the 13th edition of the F1 race here in Singapore? It feels like just yesterday that F1 was announced here.

The 2020 F1 Formula One Race will be held on… *drum roll please*

Image: Giphy

18-20 September 2020. These promotional tickets are already available for purchase, but be sure to snag them before 3 December 2019 when the promo ends.

Singapore GP has also announced that prices for three-day categories start from S$268 and you can book it here.

Here are some of the tickets that are already available:

Image: Singapore GP
Image: Singapore GP

Do note that the above aren’t the only categories available. Please see the full list here.

Not All Tickets Are Available

Don’t be shocked if the ticket category you usually go for isn’t available on the website yet.

Singapore GP has answered some queries regarding the ticket availability on their twitter page.

Image: Twitter (@F1NightRace)

Some netizens wanted to know why some categories and seats weren’t available on the website yet, such as the Empress Grandstand, Connaught Grandstand and Zone 4 Walkabout.

Singapore GP has since clarified that more categories will be released after the Super Early Bird promo. So for now, we’ll have to make do with the current categories that are currently available.

But hey, a promo is still a promo, right?