S’porean Competitive Eater Devours 5kg Fried Rice In 43 Minutes Even After Finding A Cockroach In It

No one wants to find unwanted ingredients in their food.

There are people out there who will throw their entire meal out the window if they see a single strand of hair in it.

Then there a people like Zermatt Neo, who’ll finish 5 kilograms of fried rice even after finding a cockroach in it.

S’porean Competitive Eater Devours 5kg Fried Rice In 43 Minutes Even After Finding A Cockroach In It

For those who don’t know, competitive eating is an activity where people eat large amounts of food competitively against the clock or other humans.

Zermatt Neo is one such example. A personal trainer by trade, Neo posts videos of himself eating ridiculous amounts of food on YouTube.

In June, he uploaded a video of himself eating 5 kilograms of Chicken Rice:

Now, I like chicken rice as much as the next guy, but this is just fowl.

He also ate 50 scrambled eggs in less than 20 minutes:

Well, he’s at it again, but with a twist this time.

Cockroach Fried Rice

A few days ago Neo uploaded a new video called “INSANE Fried Rice Mountain Challenge! | 5KG of Fried Rice Eaten!”

The video starts out with him buying an ungodly amount of fried rice from Wok Hey. He then arranges all 12 packs on his table in what must be the most delicious pyramid in history.

Image: YouTube (Zermatt Neo)

Then, the devouring begins.

Image: YouTube (Zermatt Neo)

But then, just 5 minutes after he started his fried rice challenge, Neo finds an extra, disgusting ingredient in his rice.

Image: YouTube (Zermatt Neo)

The competitive eater thought it was a worm at first, but later realized it was a cockroach.

Image: YouTube (Zermatt Neo)

At this point, most of us would probably start throwing up until the room was filled with our puke, but Zermatt Neo is not like us ordinary humans.

Instead of stopping, Neo simply placed the “worm” at the side of his plate and kept chowing down on the fried rice.

Image: Giphy

He later says that if he’ll only stop if he sees another insect, assuming the one he found was a “one-off”.

Image: YouTube (Zermatt Neo)

Despite experiencing some difficulty towards the end, the personal trainer eventually finished the entire 5 kilograms of fried rice in just 43 minutes.

What a trooper.

After eating the gigantic meal, Neo even reviewed the dish, saying that the Japanese rice gave the dish an interesting texture.

While it may sound delicious, I wouldn’t advise any Goody Feed readers to eat 5 kilograms of fried rice, especially if there’s a cockroach inside. If anything happens to you, who’s going to pay our wages? we’d feel really bad.

Goodybye, and we’ll see you in the next episode of Why The F*ck Am I Even Reading This?