S’porean Family Arrested in M’sia for Growing & Selling Cannabis

If you’ve ever read The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware, you might remember the fraudulent poison garden run by two parents for certain nefarious purposes. 

And so this plot might seem familiar to some—you could say that this Singaporean family came pretty close to cultivating their own secret poison garden… but instead of growing herbs of deadly poison, they were growing cannabis instead. 

That’s right, on 25 June, a Singaporean family was arrested in Selangor, Malaysia for growing and selling cannabis. 

S’porean Family Arrested in M’sia for Growing & Selling Cannabis

According to Kajang district police chief Mohd Zaid Hassan, the suspects consisted of a 58-year-old man and his two sons, aged 25 and 31. 

They had entered the country under the false pretense of operating a perfume business. 

The father and two sons were caught during a raid at a luxury bungalow at around 10pm. 

Eight cannabis trees and 23 bottles containing dried leaves suspected to be cannabis weighing 398 bottles were found during the raid.

The total value of the drugs seized were estimated to amount to RM19,900 (S$6,440).

The police had also seized planting tools including ultraviolet lamps, oxygen tanks, coolers, booster fans and heat lamps. 

Seems like they were pretty serious about this… business venture of theirs. 

According to investigations, the three men had bought the seeds from a US-based website. They had spent almost four months growing the plants and selling the leaves online. 

Buyers were found through social media and the leaves would be couriered to them. 

The trio had been distributing drugs in Malaysia. They were found to have plans to distribute the drugs to neighbouring countries. 

The suspects are remanded till 30 June and one of them tested positive for cannabis use. 

Cannabis Plants Had Been Grown in Yishun Residential Unit 

This isn’t the first time people have taken it into their heads to grow their own drugs. 

Two individuals were arrested back in 2019 for cultivating cannabis in a residential unit in Yishun Street 31. 

During the raid, officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) found glass apparatus supposedly for drug consumption purposes as well as two pots of cannabis plants along with printed and written instructions for growing cannabis plants. 

The Yishun unit had a makeshift greenhouse fitted with reflective surfaces, special pink lighting and controlled temperature for cannabis cultivation. 

In another case that occurred in 2016, officers from the CNB seized two cannabis plants, as well as 1kg of cannabis and other drugs from a residence in Punggol Place. 

You can read more about it here.

Featured Image: Facebook (Polis Daerah Kajang)