S’porean Man Performed Dissection On Epok Epok To Find Onion & Sardine Ratio

We’ve all felt cheated by food before.

The glorious picture of the burger, showcasing the entire bun packed and stuffed with goodness.

Meat? Check. Juicy and charred just right to perfection.

Meat:Bun ratio? Check. It’s the perfect amount to bite into to get an ooze of meat juices that seeps into and flavour the plainer bun.

Sauce? Check. Slathered generously to cover the entire burger, yet not enough to drown the thing.

Vegetables? Check. Just enough to bring the crisp and crunchy, without taking it away from the meat. Having that additional something makes the meat even more flavourful.

Image: Giphy

But of course, that’s what the menu and pictures say. In actuality… food ain’t as good as it seems on paper.

Image: Plus Size Kitten

Sometimes we realise business is hard, or maybe we genuinely don’t care that we are getting less than what is sold to us. After all, this is like seeing a 10/10 Tinder profile pic then realising it’s heavily photoshopped in real life right?

One particular man named Ridhwan Roslan certainly didn’t think so. He went to buy some sardine Epok Epok and decided to dissect the thing to find out how much onions there are in it.

Taste Of Onion Too Strong, Decided To ‘Operate’ On It

On his Facebook post that got 600 reactions, 250 comments, and 950 shares, Ridhwan shared that he went to buy some sardine Epok Epok, 1 for S$0.70, 3 for S$2.00.

Image: Facebook (Ridhwan Roslan)

Simi is this? Epok Epok? This one not curry pok meh?

Well you see, Epok Epok is not the same as Curry Puff, even though they are quite similar nowadays. Epok Epok was created based on the Portugese empanada in the 1500s in the Malay peninsula.

Curry puff, on the other hand, was created by Indian cooks by combining curry and potatoes with western pastries for the British.

Later on, Epok Epok fillings became more similar to the curry puff fillings, but the crusts are still quite different.

Anyway, that’s the end of the history lesson, and Ridhwan bit into the Epok Epok only to find that the taste of onions was too strong.

Pissed, he decided to separate every strand of onions and sardines to create this beauty of a dissection:

Image: Facebook (Ridhwan Roslan)
Image: Facebook (Ridhwan Roslan)

This man took more dedication to the cause of finding the meat:onion ratio to an Epok Epok to what I write for Goody Feed, so here’s a salute my good sir.

Image: Giphy

Uh, boss, that isn’t what the sentence sounds like.

As the image shows, there are a lot more onions than sardines.

Epok Epok Urban Legend

Legend has it, if you eat 100 Epok Epok in the middle of the night in front of a mirror, a person of the opposite sex with the name “Kari” will appear in the mirror.

Actually, that’s not true. I just made it up.

The less interesting (and real-life) urban legend is that Epok Epok in recent years have fewer and fewer meat fillings, replaced by onions.

One commenter got so inspired, she started to dissect her own Epok Epok:

Image: Facebook (Atikah Agazali)

…which found even more onions.

The truth is out people.

This was the untold truth that nobody wanted to uncover because of possibly how ugly it is.

But before you go raising your pitchforks, just know that many Epok Epok sellers might just be trying to earn a living. Food costs are rising at an unprecedented level (because of climate change and more consumption), so it’s no wonder that things aren’t the same as they used to be.

Or maybe the makciks making Epok Epok really like onions, I don’t know.

As for me, I actually kind of like onions.

Image: Giphy