S’poreans Can Watch The Preview Of The Secret Life of Pets 2 & Help Cute Dogs At The Same Time

If you love animals onscreen and offscreen, you’re in luck.

Because The Secret Life of Pet 2, a cute animal movie, is coming out soon.

And guess what?

You get to watch it earlier.

Especially if you love pets.

Early Movie Screening

Image: SOSD Singapore

SOSD Singapore, a local dog shelter, will be having a special movie preview of The Secret Life of Pets 2 at The Cathay on 27 May.

In case you’re wondering when the actual release date of the movie is, it’s officially released on 30 May. So you’ll be watching it 3 days earlier than the general public.

All you have to do to be entitled to a ticket is to donate $30. Tickets are free-seating, so don’t worry about not being able to secure a good seat in the cinema.

To do so, simply do a bank transfer to SOSD OCBC Current Account at 689-293-256-001 and fill up a form here: http://tiny.cc/sosdsecretlifepets2

Proceeds from this charity event will be used towards SOSD’s cause, which is to rescue and re-home stray dogs and puppies. Currently, there are about 400 dogs under their care.

(Damn, if only a group from Yishun would provide a special movie preview of Avengers: Endgame…)

What Exactly is SOSD?

SOSD is a group of volunteers that come together to help strays by rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing them. While there has been a slight improvement in the area of animal welfare in Singapore, stray dogs are still getting culled. At an alarming rate.

And the cause?

Us. Rapid urbanisation because we’re constantly building new things on whatever land we can find.

Image: giphy

SOSD advocates against the culling of stray dogs, changes to stray management policies and the welfare of strays. They’re doing everything they can to help these strays who lead miserable lives out in the wilderness with no homes or anyone to love.

Yes, not everyone is an animal lover. Some people are scared of animals or aren’t particularly fond of animals, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook the welfare of stray animals. Sometimes, these strays are abused, killed- all for no reason.

They also want to spread awareness to the public that stray dogs are as lovable as pedigree dogs. There’s a misconception that strays are more ferocious and untamed, but truth is, with love and care, they’re definitely as lovable as pedigree dogs. They’ve just spent so much of their life out in the wild with no form of love.

Adoption Drives

SOSD hosts adoption drives fairly frequently so as to help these dogs find a new home. These dogs have been sterilised, as SOSD believes in sterilisation as a humane way to control the stray population in Singapore.

Puppies up for adoption will also have a follow-up to ensure that they’re sterilised when they’re old enough to do so.

In order for an adoption to go well, SOSD will also conduct a screening process for potential adoptions. This is to ensure that these dogs will go to a home that will help them grow and make new memories, and not the wrong hands.

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Yet another long term stayer waiting for a home – Ralph. . . "Hi! My name is Ralph. In November 2013, one year into SOSD’s rescue journey, SOSD bailed me out from the pound. (https://www.facebook.com/SOSDSingapore/photos/a.586636401386973/643360105714602/?type=3) I am forever thankful for them – I thought I was doomed but I guess they saw my sad face, and couldn’t bear to leave me behind. I’ve heard they had limited kennels at the old shelter back then, but they still took a leap of faith and rescued me, in hopes of giving me a new lease of life. . . “My journey with SOSD had thus begun. I stayed 2 years at the shelter, made some furry and human friends, before a kind foster family took me in, to prepare me for when an adopter comes along. Alas, till now, there was nobody who seemed interested in adopting me, and now at 10 years old, I wonder if I’d ever find my forever family… . . “I’m proud to say I’ve assimilated really well into a home environment. My foster family says I’m really well-behaved. I don’t do my business at home (but of course, why would anyone dirty their own home, I don’t understand!) and would just need 2 short walks daily so that I can do my business outside. I was quite aloof when I first met them, but I have come to love all my foster family members very much, even the little ones, except when they’re running around and screaming their heads off. . . “Food, oh, I lurrrve food! I’ll sit and give you my paw if you’d offer me some yummy food, pawmise! . . “They say people these days work long hours, and many adopters are asking for dogs who can be left alone with no issues. Well, that’s ME! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! Afterall, I’m pretty low-energy, and am quite happy to be left alone to nap my day away. . . “I’ve also heard that many people prefer younger dogs, and each year, my chances become slimmer. I was once young, afterall, and it almost feels like just yesterday that I first stepped out of AVA, and into SOSD’s shelter. But time flies by when you’re waiting eagerly for something. I’ve been waiting eagerly for my forever home for the last 5 years now… I’m not sure how many more 5 years I have, till a family adopts me."

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There are still plenty of dogs up for adoption. If you’re looking for a new fur friend, do consider adopting from SOSD.

You can also help to foster dogs so that they can adapt to a home environment. Or if you’re not allowed to have dogs at home, you can sign up as a volunteer to help or sponsor a dog.

You can visit SOSD’s website for more information or dogs to adopt.

Or just go for the movie preview. You might just fall in love with dogs and adopt one soon after.