Everything about S’pore’s First Code of Conduct for Pedestrians That You Might Be Breaking Now

Beyonce is a famous American singer, actress, dancer, and filmmaker, but she’s also a prophet.

Back when pedestrians were walking haphazardly on pathways, clumsily banging into each other, Beyonce said:

Image: Tenor

Sure, she may have been talking about her ex’s box of possessions, but this is a rule that Singaporeans will have to follow from now on.

And unlike the ‘keep to the left’ rule on escalators that only 20% of the population abides by, this one is part of a legitimate code of conduct.

Everything about S’pore’s First Code of Conduct for Pedestrians That You Might Be Breaking Now

The Active Mobility Advisory Panel has updated its code of conduct for users of public paths to encourage pedestrians to be more gracious and aware of their surroundings.

The code of conduct previously targeted cyclists and PMD riders, as there were an increasing number of PMD-related accidents on public paths.

But then, the authorities banned PMD users from riding on footpaths, and the number of PMD-related accidents magically decreased.

As part of the new rules, those under the age of 16 will not be able to ride electric scooters unless they are supervised by adults.

Another new rule bans riders and cyclists from using their phones while riding.

Unfortunately, there’s no new rule banning the blaring of loud annoying music while riding a PMD.

The code of conduct has also been expanded to cover pedestrians as well, in an effort to reduce the number of accidents involving pedestrians and device users.

These new rules encourage pedestrians to:

  • stick to footpaths and pedestrian crossings when available
  • stay off shared paths
  • keep left on all paths
  • stay alert when walking on public paths

According to the Land Transport Authority (LTA), pedestrians should also “refrain from using a mobile communication device or operating any of its communication or other functions – such as listening to music – in a manner as will prevent the pedestrian from detecting danger or oncoming obstacles”.

Image: Tenor

Wait, does this mean we’ll be penalised for simply reading an article on Goody Feed or listening to music while walking on a public path?

It’s unclear if pedestrians will actually be subject to a fine or any sort of penalty. It seems more like a recommended habit at the moment, but that could certainly change in the future.

Encourages Users to Be More Gracious

LTA said the campaign will encourage all users to be more gracious and responsible on public paths.

“We will continue to engage and educate the public on how all can play a part in fostering a safer and more responsible path-sharing environment,” said LTA.

It certainly makes sense to avoid a shared path – such as a cycling path – if there’s a footpath available, because it lowers the risk of being demolished by a speeding cyclist.

Refraining from using their phones might take some getting used to, however, as citizens of the 21st century cannot part with their phones even while they’re pooping.