Staff Member Scolded Man for Taking Video of Rat in Bar


Dinner with wine and cheese doesn’t sound so bad.

A group of customers of Wine Connection Tapas Bar & Bistro Robertson Walk had exactly that except they had an uninvited guest with them.

A rat.

The little creature came at around 4pm on 21 August and kept snacking on bits of food on the ground. Despite the group’s constant efforts to shoo the animal away, it didn’t leave.

Left with no choice, Nicholas, one of the customers in the group, pulled out his phone to record the animal, wanting to show that the restaurant was infested with rats.

The restaurant must’ve been filled with surprises instead as the moment Nicholas finished recording, he was shouted at by a staff member.

The reason? Because Nicholas was filming her face.

But in reality, the video showed nothing but the little rat crawling on the ground.

Unless she was calling herself a rat, it was clear that she was at fault.

The staff member only apologised when Nicholas’s brother, a famous chef from a well-known restaurant, reprimanded her.

The manager must’ve heard the commotion and came down.

The group was then given a $30 discount but the damage had already been done by the restaurant’s poor service.

Wine Connection Responded

According to Stomp, pest control was immediately notified about the infestation on the day of the incident.

They have also apologised for the incident and would like to ensure customers that the behaviour of the staff does not represent their service guidelines and standards.

The restaurant has investigated the incident and has taken measures accordingly.

Checks have been made to the restaurant by the Singapore Food Agency that said that no safety lapses or rodent infestations were detected by them.


Maybe the rat ran in fear and found a new home.

Better watch out, neighbouring restaurants.

Another Rat Infestation but in Maxwell Food Centre

Just a few months ago (12 June), Shin Min Daily News was notified by a customer about a rat infestation in Maxwell Food Centre.

They spotted two rats running along the ceiling beams.

Apparently, this was a common issue in Maxwell Food Centre because of its “prime breeding” location as it’s located near food and water sources.


Back in September 2021, a rat even fell from the ceiling and landed on a customer’s table. Yikes.

Next time you’re out for a meal, remember to stay on your toes. You never know when a ratatouille situation may occur.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News