Stalkers Should Know About a New Facebook Feature That Was Quietly Included in the FB App



So now, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say this:

We’ve all stalked someone on social media before.

Crushes. Haters. That new kid sitting next to you in class. I’m not proud, but I’ve definitely done it.

Image: kidfromthe6ix

Yet, while social media stalking itself is pretty foolproof, there’s one aspect of it that’s remotely dangerous to all stalkers.

Accidental photo liking.

Liking a crush’s pic from 5,623 weeks back?

Image: Giphy

Yeah, I know that feeling. I’ve done it. You’ve probably done it. We’ve all probably done it.

But that’s also why I’m writing this article. To warn my fellow stalkers.

Of that little function Facebook has so surreptitiously added into its platform, to catch us ‘slick’ stalkers off guard.

Double-tapping to like a photo.

Stalkers Should Know About a New Facebook Feature That Was Quietly Included in the FB App

As Instagram users would surely be aware of, double-tapping on a person’s picture serves as a ‘like’, or ‘heart’ function.

But Facebook was kinda different. Double-tapping doesn’t serve as a ‘like’, but a zoom-in function. And as stalkers would surely attest to…

Double-tapping happens. Probably.

But it’s different now. Facebook has quietly learnt from its Instagram counterpart, and that means that instead of zooming in…

Double tapping will now serve as a ‘like’ function.

In fact, this notion was spotted by social media expert Matt Navarra, who went on to document the functionality in action.

“New! Facebook now lets you double-tap a post to Like it on iOS,” he wrote on Twitter.

I know it’ll be trouble when it walked in

While legitimate users would surely rejoice at Facebook’s latest move to replicate its Instagram counterpart, ‘legitimate’ users would find it a lot more hard-pressed to perform their usual routines.

One user, in particular, tweeted this:

“Oh no. I do that to zoom in when I’m in full-on stalker mode. I am doomed.”

But if there’s a silver lining, it would be that Android users aren’t affected. Yet. 

Thus far, the double-tap feature appears to only be available on the iOS version of the app, though according to…

It should be rolled out on Android pretty soon too.

And so… now what?

Well for starters, you might want to avoid double tapping on Facebook. No more of that.

And for seconds…

It’s time to stop stalking that crush on your social media profile, and just ask them out.

Might not work, but hey at least you tried – Motivational quote of the day