Still Crazy Over DOTS? Descendants Of The Sun Cafe Is Coming To S’pore!

Remember the Korean BBQ restaurant that got everyone going gaga because you could go there and get your shoelaces tied by Song Joong Ki? Well, now you can have coffee with him.

If you have watched the series (if you haven’t, please do), you would have realized that Big Boss always had his usual coffee runs at Dal.Komm Coffee, which was also the place he had dates with Song Hye-kyo and also where they broke up. 


Well, Dal.Komm Coffee is officially coming to Singapore!

The Korean cafe has made its mark in the country since 2011, and has been making efforts to expand to countries like Malaysia and Singapore. The cafe will incorporate a plethora of elements which includes music, coffee blends, desserts and design.

Who knows? They might even be selling some of the DOTS merchandises as well. Remember the bears that Song Joong Ki had? We won’t be surprised if they will be selling it there too!

FB: Dalkomm Coffee Singapore

The location haven’t been released yet, but we are definitely looking forward to the launch before there will certainly be a huge hype about it!

I can already imagine Singaporeans chilling at the cafe with a cuppa on hand and re-watching DOTS to relive some of the moments in the cafe. Pretty sure that it will be one helluva nostalgic experience. Who knows, for those who are single, you might even meet your very own Song Joong Ki in the cafe too! *winks*

FB: Dalkomm Coffee Singapore

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