Sec 3 Student Tossed Stolen Eggs at Cars & Police HQ Entrance ‘Coz He Was Bored

When we’re bored, we might open Netflix to find a new, addictive TV show to binge-watch, or meet up with some friends.

But one teenager tried something a little different with a couple of friends: stealing eggs and throwing them at a police station.

Sec 3 Student Tossed Stolen Eggs at Cars & Police HQ Entrance ‘Coz He Was Bored

On 9 April this year, the Secondary 3 student went with to a Sheng Siong supermarket on Woodlands Street 31 with a 17-year-old to steal eggs.

Prior to this, the 16-year-old had consumed four cans of beer and made six prank calls to the police.

Still, it seems that prank-calling the police and stealing didn’t provide enough of an adrenaline rush, as the two teenagers were still bored.

So, they threw eggs at random vehicles, then the nearby Singapore Association for Mental Health building, before targeting moving vehicles.

They returned to the supermarket at 3.45am and stole another four trays of eggs.

This time, they flung the eggs at a side entrance of the Woodlands Police Division headquarters and into a Woodlands flat through a window.

This would be their undoing.

Police officers arrested the boy soon after, but he was released on bail.

At this point, the Sec 3 student had two options:

  1. Obey the law until his case is heard
  2. Literally anything but break the law again

So, naturally, he broke the law again.

On 3 June, together with the same 17-year-old and another 16-year-old, the Sec 3 student climbed over the school gate of Christ Church Secondary School in Woodlands at around 10.40pm, and headed to the canteen looking for something to drink.

When they found packets of Milo inside a refrigerator secured with a plastic chain, they melted the chain with a lighter before stealing 18 packets of the chocolate-flavoured drink.

I like Milo as much as the next guy, but 18 packets? Why would they-

The Sec 3 student then threw one of it at a classroom window, shattering it.


They also picked up seven fire extinguishers in the school and sprayed the contents onto the corridor, outside the school’s general office, and at its parade square.

The devices cost around S$90 to replace.

Pleaded Guilty to Four Charges

Yesterday (9 July), the 16-year-old pleaded guilty to four charges of theft in a dwelling, public nuisance, and mischief.

11 similar charges, including criminal trespass and drinking liquor in a public place after 10.30pm, will be taken into consideration during sentencing next month.

The teenager may be suitable for probation, as this is his first offence.

Probation does not result in a recorded criminal conviction and allows offenders to continue with their education or work while serving their sentences.

When asked if had been attending school, the boy said he had lost interest but recently asked his school if it was willing to take him back.

Featured Image: Google Maps