Student Allegedly Slapped by Classmate’s Mother Even When She’s Done Nothing Wrong


Now, I was allegedly told to write this article by my alleged editor who happens to also allegedly be Justin Bieber’s son, on an allegedly normal day, albeit possibly a slow-news one.

I’m saying this because the next news comes from Reddit, and you know how impossibly factual things on Reddit are right?


Uploaded by redditor u/chewtzehan on 15 March, it tells of a chewtzehan’s experience when she was 14 years old.

Chemistry lesson with EM

For simplicity, EK is chew’s classmate and laboratory partner, while EM is EK’s mother.

So the alleged story goes…

Back when Chew was 14, she had a highly-disruptive classmate called EK, who happened to also be her laboratory partner.

He was basically one who didn’t care for school nor respected authorities.

On an alleged normal day, EK was his usual disruptive self and refused to participate in laboratory activities which included the mixing of chemicals like “Alkalis and Acids (weak acid but it’s acid)” according to chew’s post.

(I know, you’ve forgotten about this lesson)

A male chemistry teacher (one of the two teachers in chemistry class) approached both Chew and EK.

The male teacher apparently said: ”Do the experiment, help your partner (it was pair work), stop being lazy” to EK.

To which EK acted out against by smashing bottles containing liquids, swiping them off the table and inevitably splattering what he believed was diluted sulfuric acid on chew.

Chew proceeded to wash the acid off her back, see the doctor and came out rather unscathed with nothing more than a few red spots on her back.

Okay, end of story, no?

Of course not.

A literal and figurative slap in the face

The next day, Chew, EK, EK’s mother, and both male and female teachers were summoned to the discipline master’s office.


Chew’s mother wasn’t available as she was working at that time.

This was what transpired.

So basically, the DM decided to give EK five days in “house suspension”.

And EK’s mother’s face was red.

But the worse came after when…


…Chew received a slap from EK’s mother the moment they left the office.

EM allegedly (once again) blamed Chew for getting her son suspended and subsequently and gave her a slap on the face, leaving a red mark on her cheek.

Just like the red spots the acid had left on her the day before.

After much kerfufflre, EK and his mum had to be evicted from school grounds by security guards.

Netizen comments

Suffice to say, EK and his mother are both horrible people, imaginary or not.

It also must be said too that Chew has a pretty darned good memory to have been able to remember events and conversation from a lifetime ago.


Some adopted a serious critique on the EK’s and his mother’s personality:

Image: reddit/em_says_its_my_fault_i_got_her_son_suspended/
Image: reddit/em_says_its_my_fault_i_got_her_son_suspended/

Some resorted to humour (I think)

Image: reddit/em_says_its_my_fault_i_got_her_son_suspended/
Image: reddit/em_says_its_my_fault_i_got_her_son_suspended/

One person though, captured what I felt in essence:

Image: reddit/em_says_its_my_fault_i_got_her_son_suspended/

#word #allegedly

But honestly, with so many helicopter parents around, you can’t help but to admit: it will happen even if it didn’t happen.

