Study Shows Crying At The Right Time At Night Helps You Lose Weight


Last Updated on 2021-08-09 , 1:35 pm

Do you enjoy watching sad, tearjerker films or heartwrenching dramas every night after you come back home from work to rest and unwind?

What if I told you that… all those nights you spent crying over K-dramas weren’t for nothing – it may actually have been helping you lose weight?

Yep, I’ve found a new purpose in life.

You Can Lose Weight By Crying

Nope, you read that right.

A recent study done by scientists has suggested that the more tears you shed, the more weight you could possibly be losing. When you’re crying out of strong emotion, your cortisol level (a type of stress hormone) increases, especially when you keep all your emotions to yourself and bottle them up.

Stress-induced tears, like the ones you shed on nights where it’s just been a rough day at work, also have the power to remove some types of toxic substances from your body that build up as you get more stressed, according to biochemist William Frey.

Letting it all out also releases these toxic substances at the same time – so don’t be afraid to cry and try clearing all the toxicity from your life both inside and out!

Since all the stressful hormones get released after you’ve cried, your body cannot possibly store more fat too. Great!

Only Emotional Tears, Though

However, only tears that are brought about by real emotion causes this weight loss phenomenon to occur.

Here’s your science lesson of the day – there are three different types of tears.

Basal tears, also known as “basic functional tears”, keep our eyes moist and prevents them from getting too dry, which is why you tear up when you wake up sometimes due to dry eyes. By the way, this has nothing to do with some Thai dish.

Reflex tears, which are caused by environmental stressors such as wind and smoke, are “irritation tears” that spring up without warning – we probably had a lot of these tears during the haze period.

Psychic tears are those that are induced by an individual’s emotions and feelings, the most heartbreaking and emotionally draining kind of tears.

So, you’ll only tend to lose weight whenever you cry psychic tears.

There’s Even A Specific Timing

According to scientists, crying from 7pm – 10pm is the ideal time for the weight loss effect to occur, so now you know when to turn on the waterworks.


It’s perfect for those who spend their nights cuddled up on the couch watching dramas while armed with a box of tissues. Anyone else?

Who knew crying could have such an effect on our bodies? Our eyes may be sore, but hey, we’ll probably wake up the next morning a little thinner.

However, don’t add crying every single night for three hours religiously into your weight loss regime because it probably doesn’t work that way, and it might be even more unhealthy for both your mental health and physical health in retrospect.

Still, if you’re ever in need for a good cry because you just lost your boyfriend, think on the bright side and just know that he’s not the only thing you’ll be losing!

If you need to watch something to cry, try watching this touching love story:


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