14YO Student Knocked Down by A Car While Crossing the Road in Tampines; Driver Drove off Before She Could Tell Him if She Was Fine

You know those times when someone asks you if you are okay and immediately moves on to talk about their obsession with the latest Korean drama?

Not gonna help, bro.

Especially when you just got hit by their car.

Driver Drove Off After Hitting Student

According to Lianhe Zaobao, a fourteen-year-old student was crossing Tampines Street 32 at a green light on her way back from Tampines Mart when she was suddenly hit in the rib area by a black car. 

She collapsed under the force of the impact, and according to an interview was “horrified that other cars would follow” on the busy road

The student, who declined to be named, then tried to stand up, to be greeted by a simple “are you alright” by the middle-aged driver.

And then he drove off. Without waiting for an answer. 

Makes you wonder why he even bothered asking. Maybe it’s to superficially soothe his conscience, since his conscience is only superficial anyway.

The student, at a loss of what to do, managed to limp to the bus stop. She thought that she should just return home before planning her next steps.

That’s hardcore.

Anyway, the pain grew unbearable when she alighted from the bus, and her parents were evidently terrified by the news when they were contacted. 

They immediately hospitalised her out of fears for major internal injuries; her father, rushed to the scene from his workplace without even informing his boss.

Still not as fast as the errant driver, though.

Fortunately, the student only sustained minor injuries after she stayed overnight in the hospital for observation, though her parents are enraged by the driver’s irresponsibility in not assessing her condition, and in leaving his victim recklessly behind.

The girl is also reported to be visibly traumatised from the accident. Well, who wouldn’t be?

The family hopes to track down the driver and hold him accountable for the accident, and the police have been involved following the student’s hospitalisation. 

Yahoo! Style advises that, in such hit-and-run accidents, you should remain at the scene so long as it is safe to do so, rather than risking your safety further by attempting to chase after the driver. It is also important to note as much about the vehicle as possible, and to seek immediate medical attention if you are feeling unwell.

The student, in the panic of the moment, didn’t take note of the license plate number of the vehicle, and witnesses are currently being sought to ascertain the identity of the driver.

Well, if the driver hires a lawyer, I sure hope he doesn’t ask an “are you okay” and leave him alone in court.

Either way, I wonder how he’ll drive out of this one.

Featured Image: Facebook (Isabel Beins)