Tan Kin Lian Confident of Winning; Thinks Tharman is a Strong Challenger & Not Ng Kok Song

The race to be Singapore’s next President is underway, and Mr Tan Kin Lian is optimistic about his chances of victory.

Apparently, he perceives Tharman as a formidable opponent but doesn’t see Ng Kok Song in the same light just yet.

Here’s the buzz a day after the announcement of the upcoming contest that’s most likely going to take place on 1 September 2023.

Most likely, because it’s not certain yet. Watch this and you’d understand:

Tan Kin Lian: Confident in Victory, Sees Tharman as Main Rival, Not Ng Kok Song

Upon learning of his eligibility, Tan Kin Lian expressed to The Straits Times his belief that he stands out as the sole candidate not affiliated with the Government. This, he feels, positions him well to concentrate on the core message he wishes to convey to Singaporeans.

Mr Tan emphasized his campaign’s goals, which include collaborating with the Government to decrease living costs, ensuring affordable housing, and job security.

He highlighted his commitment to addressing the concerns of the younger generation, who have many years ahead. He wants them to be assured of a future where raising a family in Singapore is both feasible and affordable. Additionally, he’s keen on addressing the needs of the elderly.

While he doesn’t wish to come off as overconfident, Mr Tan does feel he has a good shot at winning the presidency. In his own words, he had said, “I am somewhat confident I can win the election and be your next president.”

Today (19 August 2023), Mr Tan engaged with voters at the Kampung Admiralty Hawker Centre.

Before his visit, he acknowledged Tharman’s two-decade-long successful tenure in the government, identifying him as a strong challenger. While he respects Tharman’s economic expertise, Mr Tan emphasized that a president’s role goes beyond just economic knowledge, pointing out that a president has a team of advisors for counsel.

As for Ng Kok Song, Mr Tan currently doesn’t view him as a significant threat, though he conceded that could change in the future.

Mr Tan has set his sights on securing a majority of the votes. He’s confident that with the backing of his campaign team, which includes opposition party members Lim Tean and Prabu Ramachandran, he’s already won over opposition supporters.

Notably, Mr Lim, founder of the People’s Voice (PV) political party, is supporting Mr Tan, while Mr Prabu, a former PV candidate from the 2020 General Election, is his main election agent.

Mr Tan’s next goal is to appeal to the middle-ground voters, who constitute a significant portion of the electorate.

He’s gearing up for a large rally on 25 August, details of which are still being finalized.

However, it should be noted that the Elections Department does not encourage rallies as they “may be divisive and are not congruent with the unifying role of the elected President.”