Teen Hospitalised After Ceiling Board Fell On His Head at Junction 8

Those who watched Chicken Little before will know of his favourite phrase, “The sky is falling.”

While in real life the sky won’t fall on us, but the fact that objects may drop on one’s head is a reality.

A 17-year-old boy experienced just that on 5 January 2021.

Boy Was Chatting with a Friend at Third Level of the Mall When Ceiling Board Fell

The victim was with his friend at Junction 8 on Tuesday when the incident occurred.

After having their meal, the 17-year-old and his friend headed up to the third level of the mall for a chat.

While sitting down chatting, the ceiling board suddenly fell onto the boy’s head. The boy was caught off guard and in a state of shock.

Image: Instagram (@sgfollowsall)

His friend then went to the mall’s centre management office to look for the relevant person in charge to seek assistance.

A middle-aged man tended to the victim’s friend request and followed him to the scene. Upon arriving at the scene, the man asked the victim if he was alright.

According to the 17-year-old, when he mentioned that he was in pain and wasn’t alright, the middle-aged man acknowledged his reply and offered drinks to the two boys before sending them home.

The victim did not know how to reply to the middle-aged man. As the boy was already in pain, he wanted to head home as soon as possible to rest. As such, he did not raise an argument with the man as well.

The boy also did not inform his mother about the incident after reaching home.

Consulted a Doctor the Next Day for Persistent Headache

The pain woke the boy up at 3am. He then headed to a clinic the next day to consult a doctor, whereby he was subsequently referred to the hospital for further checks.

The boy then revealed to his mother about the incident before he was admitted into the hospital.

His mother then accompanied the victim to the hospital for several tests and an X-ray. The boy was also given some painkillers.

When interviewed by Lianhe Wanbao, the boy mentioned that he is still experiencing headaches and has a slight fever. He added on by saying that these days he will unknowingly glance up to the ceiling, for the fear that a foreign object will fall onto this head once again.

The fallen ceiling board has since been repaired by the mall management.

According to them, they’ve reached out to the teen to provide support.

Featured Image: Instagram (@sgfollowsall)