Teenagers Committed Crime That’s Inspired by Crimewatch

In an ironic twist of fate, an educational programme set to deter crime has inspired a criminal act.

And no, we’re not talking about our anti-scam videos we did in collaboration with the Singapore Police Force:

Instead, we’re talking about Crimewatch, probably the oldest local TV series that’s still in production.

First aired in 1986, the show has spanned 33 seasons with 330 episodes and counting. Through the show, we got to know how criminals in Singapore work and sometimes, the show would appeal for information from the public.

But you’d have never expected that someone would actually emulate the crime in the show.

Introducing teenagers Theophileous Jebaraj, 16, and John Karan, 18, who, together with another 14-year-old, committed a crime after a brainstorming session.

Robbing Illegal Sex Workers

The trio had met up on 3 September 2018 to brainstorm for ways to solve their “financial problems”.

It would have been very heartening to see three teenagers finding a solution for a problem, except that they’re not looking for a solution that’s legit, but one that’s quick and illegal.

You know, like any strawberries out there who’re always looking for shortcuts #justsaying

Their first no-so-good solution? Stealing mobile phones. However, Theophileous, like a businessman-in-making, calculates the ROI and determined that “the returns” for such an act are too low.

Then he came out with his suggestion: he has once watched an episode in Crimewatch, whereby a person had robbed illegal sex workers in their house.

The idea is simple: the sex worker is working illegally, so they might not make a police report when they’re robbed.

The trio then agreed on this plan and targeted a Chinese national in Woodlands.

Same Same But Different

Just like in Crimewatch, the victim opened the door upon the teenagers’ visit, thinking that they are merely customers.

Once they’re alone in a room, Theophileous took out a fruit knife and demanded for money.

The victim, fearing for her life, did not resist; she gave Theophileous $100 she had in her cupboard and drawers.

But Theophileous wasn’t going to just settle for $100; after all, the ROI must be high. They combed the flat for more valuables before fleeing.

While the victim did not make a police report, her housemate did, and the teenagers were arrested.

Fake” Guilt?

At their court hearing, John and Theophileous claimed that they were remorseful and had wanted to apologise to the victim; however, they had not told their investigation officer about that.

That was shot down by the judge with this powderful sentence: “Well, all talk is as good as doing nothing.”

It wasn’t the first time the teenagers had broken the laws: Theophileous had committed a series of offences, from voluntarily causing hurt to theft to outrage of modesty to the illegal discharge of fireworks.

No wonder he can calculate the ROI of a crime so well.

John had been previously convicted for theft and rioting.

Both of them would be sentenced on 18 July 2019, while the 14-year-old has been convicted but not sentenced to anything yet.