Police Found 3 Teenagers Who Are Responsible for Spitting on Lift Buttons in Sengkang

A few days ago, the whole of Singapore simultaneously went Eww after seeing this picture online.

Image: Reddit (u/Frogsama86)

Yes, it’s spittle all over lift buttons The lift buttons at Rumbia LRT Station at Sengkang, that is.

People were naturally disgusted. Why would someone spit all over lift buttons? And more importantly, what kind of person would do such a thing?

Well, today we have our answer: the Tiktok generation.

Police Have Found Teenagers Responsible for Spitting on Lift Buttons in Sengkang

As you know, teenagers are very polite and virtuous creatures who would never do anything to hurt another human being if they could help it.

That’s why it was such a shock when the police discovered that the culprits behind the lift spitting incident were three 15-year-old boys.

On Thursday (20 Feb), the police received a report that spittle was found on the buttons of a lift panel at Rumbia LRT station.

SBS Transit, the operator of the Sengkang LRT line, called it an “abhorrent act”.

Officers from the Ang Mo Kio Police Division were able to identify the culprits through ground enquiries and the aid of images from Police cameras.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the teenagers had spat at the aforementioned lift panel on 19 Feb at around 6:10pm.

Investigations against the three teenagers are ongoing.

You can also carry out your own invesitgations by going to Tiktok regularly to check if there’s a video of dogs kids spitting on lift buttons, because I’m 82.212% sure teenagers won’t do things without filming it down and uploading it somewhere.

Offence Carries Jail Term

These teenagers must have thought they were having some harmless fun, but this is actually a pretty serious offence.

The offence of mischief under Section 426 of the Penal Code carries an imprisonment term of up to two years, or a fine, or both.

The Police said that they take a serious view of such inconsiderate and irresponsible behaviour, especially with the Covid-19 outbreak.

In other words, they’re saying don’t be stupid or the law will get you. 

At this point, there’s nothing much we can do to vent our anger other than close our fist as tight as we can and shake it, shouting “Rotten teenagers!”.

Image: Tenor