Temperature Could be Up to 43°C in Thailand From Now to May 2019 Due To Summer Heatwave

I‘ve preached a lot of things in my life, but one thing holds exceptionally true:

Bangkok is like a dream getaway country.

Just think about it.

Cheap entertainment? Check.

Affordable Airbnb apartments? Check.

A massive variety of appetising food? Check.

Ping Pong ‘exhibition matches’? Check.

Image: Giphy

Indeed, Bangkok’s the country we need, but don’t deserve-

“You sure about that?” my editor politely interrupted, before stuffing a piece of paper into my mouth.

“Mmfff,” I said in a muffled voice, before withdrawing the piece of paper. “What in Aunt Matilda’s rotten old knickers is this-”

I started reading it; my mouth gaped.

“You sure it’s a dream getaway country?” he taunted me.

I couldn’t reply, not because he’s my editor and I can’t talk back, but because I couldn’t find any sensible retorts.

Temperature To Rise in Bangkok From Feb to May 2019 Due To Summer Heatwave

Are you kidding me?

The Summer Heatwave Nobody Wants

According to Bangkok Post (BP), which sourced from the Meteorological Department, Bangkok is expected to encounter temperatures of 35 to 38 degrees Celsius from February to May.

Yes, 35 to 38 degrees Celsius. As my Aunt Matilda would definitely put it, “TMD LIMBU WORK SO HARD TO HAVE A VACATION THERE YOU ASK ME TO SUFFER EVEN WORSE HEAT THAN MERLIF*** CITY ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME-”

Well, I’ve no answer to that, but according to the same source, the rise in temperature’s believed to have stemmed from an incoming summer heatwave.

Image: Giphy

Okay, let’s not go to Bangkok. It’s time to check out the other places in Thailand!

If you’re thinking the bold captions up above, my advice is… don’t.

For over in the North, provinces such as Mae Hong Son, Lampang, Uttaradit, Sukhothai, Tak, Nakhon Sawan and Kanchanaburi are believed to hit temperatures as high as 42 to 43 degrees Celsius.


Indeed, the summer season’s expected to be a really arid one, though temperatures are not expected to beat the 2016 heatwave, which boasted numbers up to 44.6 degrees Celsius.

With summer officially starting on 21 Feb (in Thailand), the Department added that Thailand’s average temperature is believed to be 1 to 2 degrees Celsius hotter than last year (2018).

And it’s not just the stifling heat either

According to Bangkok Post, the country may face a potential for water shortages, seeing how temperatures are higher than usual in every part of the country this year.

Though if we were to look on the bright side, the worst has pretty much already happened, with Bangkok experiencing 22 days of 32 degrees Celsius in December alone. In case you’re mathematically challenged like me, that’s a figure that beats February’s maximum temperature mean.

Cool? I wish.

As it is, the rising temperature’s believed to have stemmed from the climate change as well as the El Nino weather phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, which contributed to a drier and even scorching climate in the Asian part of the Pacific.

So what now?

To be fair, some of Bangkok’s star attractions are its malls, and as such you shouldn’t have to suffer too much in the heat. But then again, the tuk tuks aren’t exactly air-conditioned.

So yeah, if you’re planning a trip to Bangkok soon, you might want to take those factors into account. Though if you’re like me…

Your love for Bangkok will surely be able to triumph the heat.

Image: Gfycat