Temperature Screening To Be Implemented At Changi Airport Due To Pneumonia Outbreak in China

Planning to travel to Wuhan, China soon or you know someone who’s coming back from there?

Well, better keep a lookout for their health because the pneumonia situation getting pretty serious there.

So serious that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is issuing an advisory.

MOH Keeping An Eye On Pneumonia Situation In China

On 2 Jan 2020, MOH said that they’re aware of the cluster of severe pneumonia cases that broke out in Wuhan and they’re keeping an eye on it.

China authorities have previously said that hospitals have treated “successive series of patients with unexplained pneumonia”.

No further details were offered.

MOH is requesting medical professionals in Singapore to be on the lookout for suspected cases.

People who suffer from fever and acute respiratory illness or pneumonia and have travelled to Wuhan within the past two weeks will have to be quarantined.

Temperature Screening at Changi Airport For Wuhan Travellers

Seeing as Changi Airport is the portal for most flights coming into Singapore, it makes sense that they’ll implement temperature taking for travellers coming in from the region.

All travellers arriving from Wuhan will have to undergo temperature screening from Friday evening.

If anyone is suspected of carrying the illness, they’ll be referred to hospitals for further checks.

As of 2 Jan 2019, MOH confirmed that no cases have been discovered yet.

Why So Serious?

So, you’re thinking, okay…why so serious? Isn’t it just pneumonia?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The pneumonia outbreak is suspected to be linked to SARS, the deadly illness that infected more than 8,000 people globally back in 2003.

SARS was believed to have originated from Guangdong, China, and killed 33 people in Singapore.

A team from the National Health Commission has been deployed to inspect and verify the outbreak.

Be Careful Of What You Eat And Touch

Travelling is awesome. It’s a chance to get out of Singapore, not meet your boss for a few days and just enjoy yourself.

But with that being said, remember to take care while you’re overseas as well. Especially if you’re travelling to China.

MOH has set out the following guidelines to keep yourself safe while you’re out there seeing the world:

  • Monitor your health
  • Seek professional help immediately (don’t wait till you come back to Singapore, yeah?)
  • Don’t touch live animals
  • Don’t eat raw food
  • Remember to wash your hands with soap
  • And wear a mask if you’re having the flu