A Family in Thailand Really Taped Their Kid to the Floor When The Father Has to WFH


Singapore isn’t the only country where most people are made to work from home (WFH).

Malaysia, Thailand and more also have movement control orders on their people to break the spread of Covid-19.

While you’d think that people would love working from home, simply because they can sleep in more and not dress up for work, there are some who are struggling with staying productive while WFH.

Like this man.

Image: Sinchew

Thai Father Taped Toddler Daughter To The Ground So He Can Concentrate On Work

According to Sin Chew Daily, a Thai father found it really hard to work from home because his daughter, who seems to be two to three years old, kept disturbing him.

The solution?


Image: Sin Chew

Yes, the dad actually decides to tape the little girl to the ground with four strips of clear tape.

In a Facebook post, the mother wrote:

“Mum is cooking, dad is working, daughter is lying in the living room.”

The girl was taped right behind the father who was spotted working hard at his laptop.

Although I got to say, she seemed to be enjoying her time lying on the floor too.

Image: Sin Chew

So cute.

Image: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net

How Has Your WFH Been?

It’s been 10 days (or longer) since most of us are forced to work from home.

Are you sporting the #WorkFromHome Look?

Some are probably feeling this already:


Image: memegenerator.net

It’s not just the Thai man who has trouble working from home. A Singapore teacher also took to Facebook to highlight her difficulties in WFH.

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Not only does she have to prepare online and offline learning materials for her students, she also has three kids of her own to supervise.

Image: oh-my-god.co

But one thing for sure, like it or not, whether the CB measures are lifted depends a lot on the number of local community cases (non-dormitory and work pass-related cases) and unlinked cases by 4 May 2020.

And so far, it’s been pretty stable for the past two weeks.


So let’s all follow the rules and who knows? You could be back in the office to work by 5 May 2020.

Reader Bao: That’s not what you said the last tim-


Reader Bao: You were busy celebrating the fact that you don’t have to see your ugly boss’s face for the next three-

*Slams door shut*

… Boss, that reader’s lying. I’ll love to see your handsome face every day.
