You Can Grab Any Electronic Items in This Room for $55 With an IKEA Bag (The Heist at Ang Mo Kio)

If you’ve visited IKEA before, you’d know that it’s designed in such a way as to make you cover nearly every inch of their store.

This is why you go in for a hotdog and come out with two cupboards and a huge stuffed bear that you didn’t know you needed.

Instead of spending hours at their mammoth stores, why not grab an IKEA bag and go shopping in a tiny room for 15 minutes instead?

And by “shopping”, I mean grabbing anything and everything you can.

You Can Grab Any Electronic Items in This Room for $55 With an IKEA Bag

That’s right, all your shopping dreams have come true.

A themed game called The Heist is offering people the chance to grab anything they want in a room filled with mainly electronic items for 15 minutes.

The catch? You’ll have to cough up $55 for an IKEA bag for each 15-minute slot.

Photos of the event were uploaded to the Facebook page Singapore Atrium Sale, showing IKEA bags bursting with spoils.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

The Heist appears to have a Squid Game theme, as the guard can be seen wearing that all-too-familiar red jumpsuit and mask with that ominous shape on it.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

The Korean show’s symbols are also on the event’s promotional poster:

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

So, how do you play?

The Rules

Like Squid Game, the rules for The Heist are simple.

After heading to the location, the first step is to purchase one of their IKEA bags for $55. Children under 12 can play too, but only if accompanied by an adult.

Once it’s your turn, the guard will start the timer and that’s when you enter the arena. Then comes the fun part: grab literally anything you want and stuff it into that IKEA bag you just bought. 

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

You have 15 minutes to do this.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale

In addition to electronic items and other goodies, there are also what’s called “power-ups” in the room – these power-ups will give you additional time so you can grab even more things!

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

There are also special items that you can use to redeem free gifts!

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale

Once the timer is up, the guard will ring the bell and you must stop. Remember, violators will be shot (okay, not really).

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

At this point, and this is a very important step, you must make sure both short handles of the IKEA bag touch each other as you carry it out of the room. You should also avoid dragging it on the floor.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

Then, it’s time to look at what’ve you done and determine if it was a successful mission or not.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)

Interested? Well, you’d better head there soon, because the event will only go on until the end of this year.

Head here to book a slot now!

Address: CFM Building @ 4 Ang Mo Kio Ave 12, Singapore 569498

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Featured Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sale)