There is Going to be Chicken Rice & Satay Pizza in Pezzo Pizza

Last Updated on 2018-11-28 , 6:08 pm

After witnessing some of the most tantalising fast food combinations to have spawned out of this country, I genuinely thought I’ve seen it all.

I mean; just look at this year’s top picks.

  • Nasi Lemak Burger
  • Durian McFlurry
  • Hainanese Chicken Rice Potato Chips
  • Prawn Paste Chicken Burger
  • Laksa Potato Chips

Like really? Durian McFlurry?

Are you freaking kidding me?

But it seems that like a wise old man once said, you should never count your chickens before they hatch. And truly, it seems that this year is indeed full of surprises, as there’s yet another revelation on the way:

Pezzo has announced the release of five new gourmet local pizza flavours, two of which happen to be…

Chicken rice and Satay.

Image: Giphy

Hainanese chicken rice pizza soon, anyone?

Pezzo Surpriso

This month, Pezzo’s coming out with not one, not two but five flavours at one go.

With unimaginable combinations like the Hainanese Chicken Rice, which comprises roasted chicken, slices of fresh cucumber and cherry tomatoes as well as the all-around necessity chicken rice topped with chilli sauce and melted mozzarella cheese, this latest release packs some serious punch.

Kid you not, take a look:

Image: Pezzo Pizza

Plus, check out the scrumptious looking (and sounding) Satay Sedap Pizza.

Image: Pezzo Pizza

Topped with chicken pieces, red onions and fresh cucumbers, satay has probably never tasted so… carb-licious before.

And let’s not forget about the intriguing Kebab Boom Boom!, which can apparently be wrapped and consumed as a kebab.

Image: Pezzo Pizza

Now, I don’t know much about kebabs, but what I do know is that kebabs and pizzas sound pretty darn…


For spicy lovers, you’re not forgotten. Introducing the all-new Fiery Hot Chick Pizza, which comes with shredded chicken slathered with spicy chili sauce, as well as toppings red chilis, red and green peppers, mozarella cheese and crispy fish chili.

Image: Tenor

Finally, last but definitely not least, this one’s for the cheese lovers out there. Pezzo has launched its first mozarella cheese-stuffed crust pizza, the festive-themed Santa’s Surprise, which will be fully stocked with chicken ham, honey ham, sweet pineapples, pine nuts and more mozarella cheese.

Image: Pezzo Pizza
Image: Tenor

So what are you waiting for?

With the exception of the Hainanese Chicken Rice pizza, which will be available from 28 Nov onwards, the other titles are already available at all outlets. So grab your piece now because let’s face it…

No pizza? No party.

Image: Odyssey

You can check out their vast list of locations over here. Happy Pezzo’ing!

Image: Giphy