There’s A NS Field Camp For Ladies Only Happening in Sep 2018


Last Updated on 2018-07-26 , 3:26 pm

Ladies, does your boyfriend or husband always brag about his NS experience?

Especially those times where he had to stay in the forest for days without WiFi?


Always think that you’re able to do it even better than him?


Or you’ve always felt that you’re just able to do NS better than the guys.

Well, guess what? Here’s your chance to experience it for yourself, and show them that, bro, it’s not very hard lah.

Stop bragging about nothing.

On the flip side, guys.

If you’ve girlfriends or wives who don’t appreciate your war stories, and you’re confident that they won’t be able to tahan the experience, send them there.



Women’s Boot Camp @ Maju Camp For Women Only

On 17 July, Facebook Page Women in Community uploaded a post that drove men, and women, crazy.

Image; Women in Community Facebook Page

For the first time ever, ladies can enjoy a 2-day-1-night field camp hosted by our dearest Singapore Armed Forces.

Within a day, the Facebook post has garnered 488 likes and shared 63 times.

Which is a lot, considering you’re essentially paying to go through what guys wouldn’t want to do. If they can, that is.

Just ask Ben Davis.

All for the price of $55 or $45 (For PAssion Card Members)

The camp is open to all Singaporean or PR women aged 13 and above.

The camp will be held on the first and second of September 2018 at Maju Camp. Yes, that camp where you go for IPPT when you want a better chance at passing your IPPT.


So what are you waiting for?

I mean, pay to eat combat rations and cookhouse food? Hell, yeah!

And it’s not some Zumba & gathering camp disguised as a field camp.

For this, you get the full package.

SAR21 Handling

Image: Mindef Singapore

Girl meets gun. Guys, be afraid. Be very afraid.

Route Marches


Sing song, march together and keep up. Zumba? Keep that for yourself. I’ll stick to route marches, thanks.


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Image: Mindef Singapore

Nothing beats feeling like an adventurer than when you’re setting up a tent right in the middle of nowhere.

Of course, when the mosquitoes start coming out, you’d feel like Indiana Jones.

Combat Ration

Image: The Singapore Army Facebook Page

Combat ration, the food that SAFRA insist all NSFs came to love. I can guarantee you that not all NSFs loved this.

We tried feeding it to a stray dog in camp once. It ran away. #TrueStory

Cookhouse Food


Personally, I’m a fan of cookhouse food. Because free food is always good food, right? But now’s your chance to decide for yourself instead of deciding based on hearsays from your uncles, boyfriends or any other males.


And sleeping in the bunks for one night


But whether you have stand-by bed, or our favourite, stand-by universe, remains to be seen. Hopefully, the stand-by will be a surprise, just like how they did it to us back in NS.

You can register for the camp here.

Just take note that slots are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis, so better fast-hand-fast-leg, okay?

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