These 3 inspiring people will leave you feeling ashamed for complaining about how hard life is


Last Updated on 2016-05-19 , 1:54 pm

No one ever said that life is going to be fair or a walk in the park but we complain about our minor sufferings as if they’re the most important thing in the world. We need to stop. We won’t say that you don’t have the right to complain because the severity of suffering each of us perceive differs. However, what we want to do is to give people who are in dire straits out there hope, inspiration and of course, to feel that hey, life isn’t as bad we we think!

More often than not, we forget how much more privileged and well-off we are compared to other people. We don’t realize that there are people who have it worse and compared to us, they have every right to complain–But they don’t. Instead, they just do what we did in the army, suck thumb and persevere through life’s challenges with such grace and gratitude.

Here are three wonderful and inspiring individuals who will make you feel like a fool with feet!

Xiaolou, Master of Cross-Stitching


After a tragic accident that caused him to loose both of his arms at the age of 5, Xiaolou had it very hard growing up. As years went by, he was able to learn and use his legs in doing tasks like dressing himself up and picking up utensils to eat his meals.

When he turned 21, he had a strong interest in cross-stitching after having seen a neighbour at work. He bought his own materials and got lessons from his neighbour. He even practiced on his own at home using only his toes so you can imagine the struggle he had first endured as he tried to master controlling the needle with his toes.

By the age of 24, Xiaolou had mastered the art of cross-stitching and has since sold his works across big cities China!

Sun Lukang, Inspiring Author with Cerebral Palsy


A novelist in China, Sun Lukang was a premature baby. Six months after her birth, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. However, being ‘differently abled’, Sun Lukang never complained about her condition or how difficult it was for her. Instead, she was always optimistic in spirit and cheerful.

During her childhood, she was trained how to use and write with a pencil. It was a painful struggle for her but she managed to master the skill which she needed for her education. In 2002, she learned to type with her feet and eventually mastered the skill too. Because of her love for literature, she began typing novels and has 4 published books to date, all written with her feet!

Bai Aixiang, Superwoman, Wife and Mother


After having suffered from polio, Bai’s hands were left deformed at the age of 12. From then onwards, she was determined to train her feet to help her carry out every day chores because her hands were no longer able to do them for her.

In the process of learning to use her feet to they’re best ability, Bai actually suffered a number of cuts from a knife and also calluses on her feet. Presently, Bai is able to do house chores, give her husband a haircut, cook and knit, all using only her feet!

Bai also takes care of her husband’s daughter from a previous marriage and is known to be very helpful to her neighbours who are in need.