#ThirstyThursday: 100 Plus Isotonic Powder Review: Buy It Only If You Need To Bring It Around In Sachet Form


One thing I never understood about 100 Plus, is how BuzzFeed managed to put it on number 2 in their 27 Reasons Singapore Is The Most Delicious Place On Earth article.

That’s right. Number 2. They described it: “It’s sweet, it’s fizzy, and it’s tangy. Beyond that, you need to taste it for yourself to really understand the appeal.”

Higher than Chicken Rice wor. And Cai Png is not even in the list.

Is 100 Plus really that amaze-balls that I’d be willing to give up stomach space for Chicken Rice? Was I really just a plebian who didn’t know what good food is and thus underappreciated 100 Plus?

Well, we won’t be finding that out, but instead, reviewing crack:

That’s right, for the first time on Goody Feed, we’ll be sniffing crack to tell S’poreans of what it’s really like to do drugs.

Image: Giphy

Nah I’m just kidding. That’s the powdered form of 100 Plus.

Each of these boxes costs $3.50 and contains five sachets that make about 230ml of 100 Plus.

So let’s do a little math: that means each cup of 100 plus is $0.70, which is already more expensive than a can or bottle of 100 Plus if your only consideration is drinking it.

And just in case you’re about to call the cops on us, here’s picture evidence of us pouring the 100 Plus powder into the cup.

We definitely didn’t buy this off a hobo living in our fridge.

And if you mix cocaine with cold water, you get a non-fizzy 100 Plus.

Any temperature of drinking water works, though cold water requires some stirring.


Taste Test

And you wouldn’t (or maybe you would) believe it: it tastes exactly like 100 Plus. Without the carbonation.

Just based on my limited experiences with Pocari Sweat, this tastes very similar to that.

It’s sweet, it’s tangy, but it’s not fizzy. I wouldn’t really say that this is something you have to drink if you’re in Singapore, or if you’re a Singaporean though.

Tell me you’re a Singaporean who didn’t drink 100 Plus, and I don’t give a shit. But tell me that you have never eaten Cai Png, and I’ll lose my shit. #caipngforlife


Culinary speaking, there’s not much going for this product.

Culinary Rating: 2.5/5


In the end, this is a drink meant to provide your body with mineral content and vitamins. So it’s a bit silly to just talk about the taste.

I can’t really tell you whether the values are good or bad since nutritional health like this is better left to your personal doctor.

But I do want to talk about this:       


…Why’re you showing us a picture of plain water?

This isn’t plain water. It’s the powdered 100 Plus drink after about 20 minutes. Is this the secret to how transparent coke and milk tea is made?

We may never know, but you’ll probably want to keep this transparent turning property in mind. Maybe you’ll need it to trick someone into thinking that you’re drinking plain water.

But anyway, my point is you shouldn’t be buying 100 Plus if you like the taste. Buy it if you need a portable isotonic drink that you can bring in sachet form. Maybe give it to a foreign friend who read the BuzzFeed article if you can’t bring liquids.

Maybe bring it camping.


Considering things other than just being a drink…

Rating: 3.5/5