#ThirstyThursday: Magnolia Purple Taro Milk Review: Just Like Thanos, It’s Purple And Strong

Once every few months, there’ll be a new food trend in Singapore that will still stay a favourite even after its hype has died.

Besides salted egg, mala and other random items, somehow taro is one of them.

With its distinctive purple colour, the yam variant has been gaining popularity throughout the years, as I’m sure you’ve seen it everywhere.

Taro flavoured milk tea has been popping up in bubble tea franchises islandwide and even worldwide, where you can easily buy it at places like LiHo or Gongcha.

Burger King even sold their taro pie for a while, which my editor is strangely a big fanatic of and looked at me scandalised when I said I’ve never tried it, but he’s not the only one – it was all the rave back then.

And It’s Not Over

The taro trend isn’t over just yet, though, for Magnolia has just launched its new limited edition Purple Taro Milk, made from fresh milk and real taro.

It’s available in the small 500ml packet as well as a 1l carton at supermarkets and hypermarkets islandwide for a limited period of time only.

Is it as delicious, or taro-licious as they claim, though?

Disclaimer: Personally, I’m not a fan of taro or taro food products and have never understood the hype for some purple yam thing, so this review was meant to be from the perspective of someone who hasn’t actually tried taro before.

I’ve taken my colleagues’ opinions into consideration as well, so if you’re a taro fan, please excuse my lack of understanding of the appeal of this peculiar flavour.

Magnolia Purple Taro Milk: is it Taro-licious?

Magnolia describes this is a drink as “picture perfect”, claiming that it will look gorgeous on your Instagram feed with its vibrant pastel purple colour.

And I have to say it really does look satisfying and aesthetic to the eye.

After taking some pretty photos, the moment of truth arrived.

The actual taste test

When I first took a sip, I was actually very shocked at the sudden explosion of flavour.

The taste will just hit you all at once and knock you out, then mellow down. It tastes very strongly of taro at first but has the aftertaste of normal fresh milk, so I’d say Magnolia has succeeded in creating a good mixture of real taro and fresh milk.

It isn’t deathly sweet either as compared to other taro drinks but the level of sweetness from the milk itself is already perfect enough, and it’s quite refreshing.

It’s also said to have health benefits for it includes calcium and protein, and it’s good for something that’s healthy.

Not For First-Timers

However, for a first-time taro milk drinker (read: noob), I didn’t like it that much because of the strong taro taste, which really packs a punch.

For real though, I felt like it punched me because it was just so suddenly overpowering. It kinda reminds me of Thanos, for he, too, is purple and strong.

GIF: Giphy.com

For more objective opinions, I asked two of my colleagues for their opinions on the milk, and they both agreed that the taro taste was extremely strong, more so than taro milk tea drinks that you might find outside.

Still, I managed to finish an entire glass, so it isn’t that bad.


It’s definitely something very interesting to try, especially if you’re a taro lover. You just might love the burst of flavour, which unfortunately we couldn’t seem to appreciate.

Rating: 3.5/5