The New Paper Ends Print Edition and Goes Fully Digital After 10 Dec

In this digital day and age where many people opt for digital newspapers and books out of convenience, print newspapers are becoming a rare sight.

Sadly, it seems like we’ll only be seeing less of printed newspapers, as yet another paper goes fully digital.

The New Paper to go Fully Digital

On Sunday (19 September), it was announced in an interview with The Sunday Times that The New Paper (TNP) will go fully digital from 10 December.

This move is part of the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) Media Trust announced back in May, which aims to adapt SPH media for the digital era through undergoing “serious digital media transformation”.

Mr Khaw Boon Wan, chairman of the SPH Media Trust, said that this shift to a fully digitalised state will “allow SPH Media Trust to serve TNP readers better”.

He added that they had a discussion and decided to let The New Paper go fully digital “as soon as possible”.

“In other words, we cease the print production, reform the newsroom, enhance their online presence, so that they can serve their readers, their audience much better round the clock.”

What is the SPH Media Trust?

SPH Media Trust is the newly formed company that will take over the SPH media business by December, formed from the nine Management Shareholders of SPH.

The company will be limited by guarantee (CLG) and will be headed by Mr Khaw Boon Wan, who was appointed chairman of SPH Media Trust.

Patrick Daniel, former Editor-in-Chief and ex-Deputy CEO of SPH, was appointed as the interim CEO of SPH Media Trust.

The formation of SPH Media Trust is part of the radical restructuring of SPH’s business model in order to remain competitive in the media industry which has been greatly disrupted by the digital revolution.

“SPH Media needs to develop a model which is both financially sustainable and will enable it to continue delivering high-quality trusted products to its readers,” announced Mr Khaw in the press conference for SPH Media Trust back on 12 May.

“We must adapt to their habits and expectations. We must improve our digital products to make them essential to their daily lives.”

“We have started doing so, but we must accelerate our efforts. Current newsrooms were built for the print era; they need to be transformed further for the mobile phone and tablet era,” he later added.

The SPH Media Trust plan was approved by SPH shareholders on 10 September.

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Feature Image: Google Map / Screengrab from TNP website