TraceTogether Wins International Award That’s Selected by Gov Organisations Around the World


TraceTogether is many things: national contact tracing programme, bluetooth-reliant,  generally recognisable to the entirety of Singapore… the list goes on and on.

Image: Ascannio /

And yet, in spite of its burgeoning list of traits, it appears that TraceTogether has garnered one more moniker:


Yes folks. TraceTogether, the app that we have long since taken for granted…

Has clinched an award, beating out strong competitors from Taiwan and India in the process.

TraceTogether Wins International Award That’s Selected by Governments Around the World

Our dearest TraceTogether programme has clinched recognition on the International stage.

On Monday (7 December 2020), market research firm Gartner awarded the programme with its 2020 Government Eye on Innovation award.

TraceTogether defeated three other finalists in the Asia-Pacific region – two from Taiwan and one from India – to attain the title.

“We are humbled and grateful for the support we have received from our 3.4 million users – 60 per cent of Singapore’s population,” said TraceTogether team lead and Government Technology Agency senior director Jason Bay.

“Thank you for walking this journey of community-driven contact tracing with us, and supporting the use of Bluetooth mobile technology to contribute in the fight against Covid-19.”

According to the report, award winners were “selected by a poll of government organisations around the world.”

Meanwhile, a pandemic data-sharing platform designed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services swept the award for the Americas region, while an automated financial support platform by Swedish social insurance agency Forsakringskassan Sweden secured victory in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.


TraceTogether is a programme that aims to support ongoing contact tracing efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore.

It works by exchanging short-distance Bluetooth signals between phones to detect other users of the app who are in close proximity.

Initially starting off as a mobile application, TraceTogether has since branched out to include a token as well.

By the end of December 2020, checking in with the TraceTogether app or token will be made a mandatory notion at all public venues.


Previously, the Singapore government announced that there are three conditions needed to enter Phase 3:

  1. TraceTogether participation rate of 70%
  2. Compliance with safe management measures
  3. Singapore’s testing capabilities

At the end of Nov 2020, it was announced that TraceTogether now has 2.9 million users, about 50% of Singapore’s population.

Another million or so is needed for Singapore to hit 70%, and according to experts, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to do so by the time 2020 ends in 3 weeks’ time.

To know more about TraceTogether, watch this video to the end (and please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more informative videos):

Featured Image: Ascannio /
