First-Time TraceTogether Token Users Can Now Get Token Delivered to Their Homes for Free

While we initially blamed our refusal to leave our house due to a fear of contracting COVID-19, we can now openly admit the truth: the coronavirus has turned all of us into couch potatoes. 

Being a couch potato has its benefits; no one will ask you to do any favours for them because they know how much of a Herculean task it is for you to peel your butt off the sofa.

But it also has its downsides; who’s going to collect my free reusable mask? Who’s going to collect my free TraceTogether token?

Fret not, my dear, slothful friend, I have some good news.

First-Time TraceTogether Token Users Can Now Get Token Delivered to Their Homes for Free

If you’re requesting a TraceTogether token for the first time, you no longer have to head to the nearest shopping mall or community club (CC) to collect it.

Now, you can chill in your home while it gets delivered to you for free!

We have a new delivery service to thank for this, developed by the Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG).

Those who want to tap into this delivery service can make a request on the TokenGoWhere website after logging in with their SingPass.

Once your request is processed, a token will be delivered to your mailbox.

Reader: Aw man, you mean I have to walk all the way to my mailbox to get my token? This is outrageous. 

Your laziness is starting to get alarming, dear reader. 

Those without a SingPass will have to register for SingPass to access this delivery service. Otherwise, they can collect their token from a CC.

No Deliveries For Replacements 

Unfortunately, if you’ve accidentally misplaced, damaged, or eaten your TraceTogether token, you can’t have a new one delivered.

The delivery service is for first-time users only.

Instead, you can replace your tokens at CCs and malls, at any time, even outside the operating hours of some CCs and malls.

The list of collection points is available here.

Token replacements will also soon be available for collection in vending machines at 40 malls and 108 CCs.

The roll-out will likely be completed in October. Each machine can hold around 1,400 tokens.

The replacement machines will now allow a token to be replaced if the previous collection was at least 60 days ago. Previously, it was four months.

Since there’s now a delivery service and token replacement machines, SNDGG will scale back manned collection booths.

17 booths at shopping malls will cease operations on 31 Aug, while the CCs will be closed at a later date.

If you’re thinking about what is the use of a TraceTogether token, watch this video to the end to understand:

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Featured Image: Dr David Sing/