#TuesdayTruthday: Goody Feed Beings Reveal The Craziest Diets They’ve Tried


We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you’ve been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24 hours a day, and travel 365 days a year.

Your friend is in a great relationship because he’s been posting lovey-dovey images on Instagram, despite the fact that you saw him on Tinder this morning.

With so many people having such a perfect image online, we thought of having a weekly section called #TuesdayTruthday, whereby we Goody Feed, the imperfect human beings on the Internet, reveal some of our stories to show you the truth online.

And for this week’s edition we’re going to talk about something everyone has probably tried at least once; diets.

Ahh, diets. Some hate them and others pretend to like them. Diets have the ability to turn the nicest of humans into cranky raging maniacs.

Image: Bored Panda

All in the name of good looks and health.

Some try cutting carbs, some only eat carbs, and others live off half a cup of kiwi juice a week. And all are unhappy.

If we Goody Feed beings seem like unfit humans who have never seen the Sun let alone walked, that’s because we are contractually obligated to never leave our office chairs.

We’ve tried diets before we entered this office of fatties, however, and we’d like to share them with you.

The One Who Only Ate Chicken & Broccoli – Editor, 24

The ‘craziest’ diet that I’ve ever done was eat steamed broccoli and chicken breast every single day for lunch and dinner for a week. Yes, a full week. I have this memory of me in Universal Studios Singapore at a restaurant, Mel’s. 

My entire family was chomping on fries and burgers while I happily (not even joking) ate my lunch which I had packed in a box. I don’t think it was a super crazy diet but I was trying my best to eat as clean as I could in preparation for a sports competition. The diet was not for weight loss, it was pretty much the only thing I knew how to cook at that point.

I (obviously) stopped the diet and tweaked it to add in more fruits and healthy carbs after the trial period because I was losing way too much weight. It may have been a bad start (because of how the diet lacked a lot of necessary nutrients) but it was a start nevertheless and I’ve been learning as I go and trying hard to find the balance.

The One Who Tried The Paper Cup Diet – Writer, 22

I was considered taller than the average girl in secondary school. I wasn’t so happy about it because I was bigger in build as well. I resorted to combing the internet for effective diets that would make me worthy of a place like ANTM.  That’s where I found the whole “eating a plastic cup’s serving” of food diet. It’s a Kpop thing!
Anyway, I ate 5 cups worth of food a day. Unbelievable, I know. The meals were rather questionable… It was several Cai Fan dishes over the course of the day because I hated the thought of boiled eggs and salad. I pretty much starved… And lost a good 5kg in a span of a month.
Then I gained it all back a month later because I realised that I was too short to become a model and there was no point being a skinny legend.

The One Who Had A Pear And A Cup Of Milo For Lunch – Writer, 24

I was 18 when I knew I had to make a change.

A big change.

See, I’ve been this round kid for ages. I wouldn’t say fat, fat, but I did get some offending remarks thrown my way before. So in a sense, I wasn’t the skinniest kid you would find in town, but I never felt compelled to change my ways until one day when I decided enough is enough.

It’s time to go on a diet.


And so, I looked up the net. Did intense research. Flexed my fingers. And I devised my own diet plan.

A pear and a cup of milo for lunch. White rice with chicken breast and broccoli for dinner.

Wasn’t the healthiest plan, but I had no clue back then.

In addition to that intense meal regime right there, I also incorporated crazy amounts of cardiovascular exercise into my day-to-day regimen. One hour of intense brisk walking after lunch. And one hour of intense brisk walking after dinner. I was losing fluids like crazy, and my meals weren’t doing anything to rehydrate my depleted body.

Before I knew it, a month has passed. And I’ve become a practical skeleton, with my facial skeleton features concaving like a prehistoric monkey on bananas.


I’ve lost the fats I detested. And yet I’ve also lost everything else.

And that’s not the worst.

I developed an eating disorder. Binge Eating Disorder, to be specific. Because I’ve depraved myself for so long, my body ordered me to recharge. And that I did, on several occasions, with servings that inflated my stomach and caused me to go on entire guilt trips.

All in all? Not the best diet to be on.

And so, to conclude… that K-Pop diet fad you’ve always planned on going on? I’ll take it with a grain of salt. After all, there are way healthier ways to lose weight.

And mine was not one I would advise you to go on.


The One Who Only Ate Vegetables For A Month After His Grandmother Called Him Fat – Deputy Editor, 27

One Christmas Eve, I was with my family enjoying a nice big juicy turkey when I saw my grandmother sad and alone at the corner of the living room while everyone else was talking. So, I thought I’d be a nice little grandson and go over to offer her some turkey from my plate.

But instead of hearing a nice “Thank you, my favourite grandchild”, she said, “Why have you gotten so fat?”

This was especially annoying because, until that point, she would ask me every five minutes with a concerned face why I wasn’t eating anything. So when she called me a fatty mcfatterson, it must have been because I was really, really fat.

So, I decided from that day onwards that not a sliver of fat would ever enter my mouth again.

I started running every day and started a new diet where I only ate vegetables for a whole month. I’m not exaggerating here. Whenever I bought food from the mixed rice stall I’d just point at one green item and say YUP that’s enough.


And he’d say “only one?”

“Yes, just one”, I’d reply.

“And no rice?” he’d ask, confused.

“Yes, no rice”, I’d reply, annoyed.

“And no meat?”, he’d ask.


And so I ate nothing but broccoli, carrots, and other vegetables I can’t name now for over four weeks. Obviously, I lost a large amount of weight, but my soul was malnourished and my stomach was unsatisfied.

Then, one day my friend ordered the most delicious looking plate of chicken rice I’d ever seen, and I instantly gave up on my vegetable diet and got a plate for myself.


If there’s anything to learn from this story, it’s that it’s hard to diet in a world where chicken rice exists.