#TuesdayTruthday: Goody Feed Beings Reveal The Weirdest Things That They’ve Eaten


We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you’ve been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24 hours a day, and travel 365 days a year.

Your friend is in a great relationship because she’s been posting lovey-dovey images on Instagram, despite the fact that you saw her on Tinder this morning.

With so many people having such a perfect image online, we thought of having a weekly section called #TuesdayTrueday, whereby we Goody Feed, the imperfect human beings on the Internet, reveal some of our stories to show you the truth online.

And for this week, we’re going to be talking about the weirdest things that we’ve eaten.

We all love food. I mean, we’re known to be living in a food paradise after all. But sometimes, the things that I find are delicacies, may be seen as weird or awful to you. Likewise, the things that you may find delicious, may be gross to others.

So here are some things that we’ve eaten that we thought were pretty weird in hindsight.

The One Who Ate Balut – Writer, 22

In case you’re wondering what balut is, let me explain. It is essentially a developing bird embryo boiled and eaten from its shell. This often means that when the shell is cracked open, you’ll see the little fella’s beak and developing eyes.

For some, that’s straight out of a horror film right there. For others, it’s a true delicacy.

I wasn’t too keen on the idea at first because it seemed really heartless, but I guess curiosity got the better of me and when my brother bought one to try, he egged me on to try it with him.

When we cracked the shell open, I almost didn’t want to try it. But my brother told me that he’ll help me pick out the meaty part so that I didn’t have to pick it out through the feathers.

The meat was a little dark, similar to the black chicken that my mom always bought to make soup. It honestly tasted just like regular black chicken.

I can see why people would eat this, but to me, it’s weird because the bird is still in the midst of development. And this is coming from a person who has eaten fried insects in other countries.

Well, at least I’ve tried it once.

The One Who Had Frozen Soup – Writer, 23

These three words will probably freak you out as much as any insect.

Frozen mushroom soup.

Yes, those store-bought kinds that you need to defrost and heat up before consuming.


My sick, youthful self was at home with nobody around. I didn’t feel like going out of my house to buy food because of my fever. Praying that there was a sandwich of sorts in the fridge, I found the only lone packet of soup there.

And for some reason my brain went, “hey, why don’t I just try a bit of it without heating it up?”

So my first, idiotic instinct was to take a knife, somehow forcibly cut into the half-frozen soup and take a bite. It took more effort than I thought and what I tasted was beyond my mortal comprehension.

Just imagine…salty, hard jelly with cold and chewy bits of frozen mushrooms inside that tasted like mush. Even more stupid was that it took the first piece and a broken-off bit on the plate for me to realise I was being a fool.

My editors have probably eagerly waited for months to get this one out of me.


So a pretty obvious reminder: NEVER eat frozen soup.

The One With The Fried Cricket – Writer, 18

I remember the fateful day when I tried a cricket for the first time.

I went over to my friend’s house for our annual National Day party. A good friend of mine had just returned from Vietnam and she came up to us and said, “GUYS, TRY THIS! I GOT BACK FROM VIETNAM ONE.”

She pulled what looked like a normal looking bag of chips out of her bag. As a potato chips enthusiast, I was more than willing to try. I was thinking maybe the chips were pho-flavoured.

And that was when I realised… there were crickets on the packaging.

She had already opened a pack and was casually munching on each cricket… like it was just a Pringle chip. By then a group of us had gathered around the table and we were all contemplating if we should try.


According to one of my friends, it was apparently “good for your health” especially for “improving your iron levels in your blood”. I’m not sure how accurate that was but I was on a health craze back then so I took the chance.

I remembered holding the small, black body of a cricket in my hands together with my two other adventurous friends. Our hands were literally shaking so much that my friend dropped her cricket.

After much, MUCH hesitation, we put it into our mouths.

And all I can say is… it ain’t that bad. It had a slightly salty taste but a strong herbal smell when I bit into it. It was pretty airy and crunchy.

If you take away the idea that it was a cricket, I would have for sure thought it was herbal-flavoured potato chips.
