#TuesdayTruthday: Goody Feed Human Beings Reveal How Many Times They Took Their TP

We all agree that the Internet is filled with nothing but truthfulness: that influencer whom you’ve been stalking definitely looks like a diva 24 hours a day, and travel 365 days a year.

Your friend is in a great relationship because he’s been posting lovey-dovey images on Instagram, despite the fact that you saw him on Tinder this morning.

With so many people having such a perfect image online, we thought of having a weekly section called #TuesdayTruthday, whereby we Goody Feed, the imperfect human beings on the Internet, reveal some of our stories to show you the truth online.

And this Tuesday, we’re focusing on something that you’d definitely be interested in: the number of times we take to pass our driving test.

Is it like all your Instagram friends who pass at their first attempt with no demerit points, or is it like your real friends who failed eight times and finally gave up?

Let’s dive into the truth.

But before that, if you’re taking your driving test soon, this video might help:

Okay, moving on…

Tailing a Learner Car Throughout (Video Editor, 24, Female)

If you need to know her name, you can call her “Lucky”.

She passed the test in her first attempt easily not because she’s skilful or talented; in fact, both her instructor (private) and she think that she’s going to fail.

But Lucky’s got luck on her side: throughout the entire test, she was tailing a learner car.

The learner car was moving at almost 20kmh, and since the tester did not ask her to overtake, she maintained her speed.

“What gear are you on,” I asked.

“It’s auto,” she said, which meant this won’t have worked if you’re taking Class 3…since the tester would probably be annoyed by the sound of your engine and get you to overtake.

Now you know why there are so many jokers driving at 20kmh on a 50kmh road.

But don’t worry, this lucky lady here hasn’t driven for years.

Never Check Blind Spots Throughout the Test (Digital Content Producer, 25, Male)

Shockingly, he’s the only one in this article who took more than once to pass the test.

On his first attempt, he was extremely confident that he’d have passed; he didn’t make any mistake and completed the test without a sweat. But when he got his results, he realised he’s forgotten to do one thing: checking blind spots.

In every single turn.

With the number of turns and lane-changing he has to make, you can bet it was one small mistake that led to an empty wallet.

And just so you know, the tester did not even hint him once that he could have hit another vehicle in his blind spot.

He passed on his second attempt.

Wanted to Argue But Shut Up When He Saw “Pass” (Publisher, 34, Male)

This guy’s lucky, indeed.

During the test, he signalled and a heavy vehicle behind him seemed to have given way. After thinking for ten nanoseconds (I think he exaggerated; he must have thought for very long), he decided to change lane.

Other than that, everything went well.

When the tester came to the table to speak to him, the tester asked about the heavy vehicle. The tester was convinced that the heavy vehicle had to jam hard when he made the lane change.

He was ready to argue, wanting to explain that the heavy vehicle did give way when he accidentally saw the word “pass” on a sheet of paper the tester was holding.

All of a sudden, he turned from a tiger to a rabbit and nodded, agreeing that he shouldn’t have made the lane change lah, he was too nervous lah, he can do better lah…

He passed.

Not sure if he passed in another alternate universe whereby he banged the table to explain himself.

Pass at First Try But Still Didn’t Dare to Drive (Writer, 27, Male)

I’m convinced about this after hearing his story: the driving test is just a test and nothing more.

This writer passed at his first attempt even when he has no confidence, simply because he’s someone “who likes to pass tests”. Everything went well for him; but if you give him a car to drive for a week for free, he won’t take it.

In fact, when we asked around on who has a driving licence, he said, “I technically have one.”

He needs to get some confidence boost from Tiktok-ers, indeed.

While these Goody Feed humans have driving licences, only one of them drive regularly, so we decided to test them out.

We showed them this image and asked them what it is, and other than the regular driver, the rest gave answers that made you wonder how they passed their TP:

Image: ppsl-bmw.sg

Classic Answer 1: “Cannot cross over? (overtake??)”
Classic Answer 2: “Cannot park?”
Best but Wrong Answer: “Cannot stop if not it will be towed away.”

By the way, the correct answer is that you can’t stop to drop people at all, and if caught, you’ll be fined and be given three demerit points.