Twitter Now Allows Employees to Work from Home…Forever

While Trump is busy competing with the rest of the world in testing for Covid-19, giant tech companies are competing in a different arena:

Who can let their employees work from home the longest?

Previously, both Google and Facebook said they’re allowing “a majority” of their employees work from home until the end of the year.

Amazon told its employees to WFH throughout October and Slack said theirs can do so throughout September.

Twitter: Guys, You Can Work From Home Forever

Image: giphy

Yes, this isn’t #fakenews.

On 12 May 2020, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey emailed his employees to inform them that they can work from home permanently.

Even after the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown has ended.

But it’s not for everyone as those employees with jobs that require a “physical presence” like maintaining the servers will still have to work at the office.

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They’ve Started Even Before Covid-19 Lockdown

Since early March, Twitter has been encouraging its employees to work from home.

White-collar jobs are thought of as “more flexible” and as long as the employees produce results, tech companies are fine with the arrangement.

The human resource at Twitter also felt that working would never be the same again.

It was shared that managers who never thought they’ll be able to manage a team remotely “will have a different perspective” and people who are unwilling to work off-site find that they “really thrive” working this way.

Putting Employees And People First

Then, you’re thinking, Of course, the company’s happy lah. It’s practically cost-cutting because now, employees have to use their own electricity and aircon.

But it might not be that way, at least for Twitter.

Because of the new arrangements, the company is now upping its allowance for WFH supplies to US$1,000 for all employees.

Boss, you reading this?

Twitter added that it’s unlikely that their offices will be open before September 2020.

All in-person events at the company will be cancelled and, except for a few exceptions, business travels will be cancelled too.

Not The Only Ones To Predict That Working Style Will Change

Twitter HR isn’t the only one to think this way.

Even the Transport Minister is predicting that Singapore’s way of working life will change.

He mentioned that during a reveal of the losses that public transport companies in Singapore are facing right now.

In answering a question by Associate Prof Theseira about funding public transport, he said that the pandemic will “reshape our way of life”:

“It is too early to determine the post-pandemic world and hence premature to assess its long-term impact on public transport financials. Suffice to say that the pandemic will reshape our economy, our way of life and how we move about.” Mr Khaw via Todayonline

You can read more here.

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