Two Women Pass Out In Funny Position After An 8 Hour Argument On The Street

Unless you’re single and ready to mingle, you probably know that you can never win any argument with your girl. As much as you can’t stand her, you love her so much more hence, you wouldn’t mind letting her have the last word of every quarrel the both of you share.

That’s until the argument happens to be by two women. Never underestimate the power of every woman’s determination to be right for one such case happened in China and two women in Shanxi quarreled for 8 hours straight!

The pair of women attracted a crowd as they spent their day standing under the hot blazing sun, shouting at each other without any food and water for 8 hours. They eventually passed out on the streets in a quite questionable position that some may find humorous.


The ladies were said to have met at about 2pm in the afternoon and started a heated argument about a debt settlement which caused one of the women to call the police. However after the police arrived, their argument did not cease and lasted till about 10pm.

The police tried to persuade them to settle the debt in courts but both parties refused and decided to continue their fight on the streets, ultimately passing out from exhaustion and perhaps, hunger. Though not my preferred choice of settling arguments, you really got to admire their determination to win and their pair of strong lungs from constantly shouting, though.


At around 10pm, the police came back to check on the situation and found the two women laying on the ground with one foaming from her mouth and uncontrollably urinating and defecating. Oh God, why couldn’t  they have gone to a cafe to settle the debt instead? They could have probably lasted longer with the availability of food and washrooms.

It was later reported that the pair have been taken to the hospital and conditions has stabilised. Netizens have since gathered and commented after seeing the pair lying on the ground, giving in to a “break” after the hours-long argument.


Some netizens mentioned that they were quite amused and impressed by the dedication shown. Some wondered and questioned out of curiosity if the women planned out the position to pass out in while some thought that the way they lay next to each other were cute. Another commenter said that he will never again underestimate the desire women have to win an argument.

Moral of the story? Never start an argument or you might just find yourself on the streets for hours too.

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