UK-Based Website Slammed For Calling Jackfruit Ugly, Smelly & A Pest-Plant

Personally, I don’t dig jackfruits. Like a Wise Old Man once said, “It’s just not my thing.”

But that’s not to say that Jackfruit’s ‘bad’ or anything, like durians; with a texture that’s not dissimilar to a banana, mango, or pineapple in terms of being dense and fibrous, the jackfruit tastes sweet to some and might even possess a flavour similar to pulled pork, especially when cooked.

Truly, it’s no wonder why Asia’s so appreciative of it.

Image: Safronkin Vasilii /

But that’s not what everyone thinks

For as you might’ve implied from the article headline, a UK-Based website has just come under fire for publishing its article “Jackfruit is a vegan sensation – could I make it taste delicious at home?”, a take that resonated less than fluidly with the audience.

Lest you’re too busy to read through the whole thing, here’s the main gist of the article: in the excerpt, the fruit’s described as one that just recently became a popular ingredient in Western vegan cuisine, despite the fact that it’s one of the biggest delicacies in Asian countries.

Also, the writer portrayed the Jackfruit not as a popular delicacy, but an underappreciated food source in Asia.

“Five years ago, jackfruit was just a spectacularly ugly, smelly, unfarmed, unharvested pest-plant native to India,” the article reads.

“Some people ate it, but only if they had nothing better to eat.”


And it touched a nerve. Nerves.

As a Jackfruit lover might tell you, the fruit’s so far from being an “unfarmed and unharvested pest-plant” that even a long-distance relationship might come closer.

And as the same Jackfruit lover will surely testify, the Jackfruit is a delicacy that Asians have been appreciating for thousands of years in a variety of styles, and is a popular ingredient used in curries and desserts.

So what’s the writer smoking, you wonder.

Well, that’s probably what these Netizens thought, as they laid bare their thinly-veiled rage.

And I don’t blame them either. If someone said the same thing about dragonfruit…


And so… now what?

Well, for starters I would suggest that you don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.

Because believe me, if everyone swallowed the writer’s words and started thinking that Asians hated jackfruits or something…

They’re in for a rude awakening once they touch down in yellow Asian airports.

Image: Giphy