The Ultimate Guide To Resolving Internet Connection Issues So You Won’t Have To Wait Forever

Internet connection issues are quite common these days. Sometimes, it might be issues on the side of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), but in most cases, they are usually internal factors. So before calling up your ISP, try going through these troubleshooting tips to help resolve the Internet connection issues you are facing.

Check Your ONT/Modem

The very first thing to check would be your ONT/Modem. See if the status lights are green or red. If it’s a red light, try to do a modem reboot. If this does not fix your Internet connection issues, then most likely there are some back-end issues, which your ISP will have to help look into.

Note: Check if your ISP is doing a network maintenance at the point where you are facing connection issues.

Is Your Router Powered Up?

If there are no issues with your ONT/Modem, proceed to check if your router is powered up. The connection might be loose or there might be issues with the power adaptor. 

Check the LED Status Indication of Your Router

Check the LED status indication on your router, if there are issues, the WAN/Internet indicator will be red, or else the lights should be green and flashing.

Do a Router Restart

If your router’s WAN/Internet indicator is red in color, try powering it on and off. In most scenarios, this should resolve the internet connection issues you encounter.

Do a Router Reset

If restarting does not resolve your Internet connection issues, try a fresh setup by doing a router reset. For most routers, there is this small reset button at the back of the device.

Note: Doing a router reset will mean having to set up everything from scratch, including resetting your password, etc. Do proceed only if you have done the initial setup yourself or if you know what you are doing. Or else, check with your Internet Service Provider before doing the reset.

Test Connection with Other Devices

If the LED lights on your router are green and flashing, that will most likely mean it’s a device issue. If you have multiple devices at home, you can try checking your connection with another Internet-capable device, or try to restart your device.

Check Your Cable Connection (for Wired Devices)

For those on the wired connection, double check if your cable is loose or faulty.
