S’pore Condo Comes Out With The Best-est Video That’s So Bad, It’s Uptown at Farrer


Usually, trying to sell a house means coming up with videos like these:

Explaining every single bit of the home and telling potential customers why you would want to buy it.

But what if, what if, you decide to go the Thai ad route?

Instead of doing a direct placement, you decide to switch it up for entertainment for one reason: To make them remember the name.

Well, it’ll probably end up like the next video I’m going to show you.

S’pore Condo Comes Out With The Best-est Video That’s So Bad, It’s Uptown at Farrer

This is Uptown @ Farrer.

Image: Financial Chicken

And their latest ad featuring the condo to interested buyers went viral.

Here, you can watch the video for yourself:

Low Chin Han, director of hospitality at Low Keng Huat, the developer of the property, said that they wanted to “inject humour” into the video, making it more “memorable”.

The purpose of the ad is to generate awareness about the property as well as drive traffic to its website.

Here’s A Simple Analogy:

Normal property ads assume that you might not want to progress past the first step, so they cramp as much information into the video as possible.

Kind of like a book that skips the “table of content” page and brings you straight to chapter one.

The Uptown at Farrer ad, however, has the index page and only highlight the subheadings, the important parts with a generous dose of entertainment so you’ll share it with your friends.

Then, interested people would go on to their website because they are attracted to the important points, such as the location, the loft or the convenience of staying there.

The second way will cast the net wider and ensure it reaches more people but at the risk of not getting enough in-depth information out there.


This particular ad was received with mixed reactions.

Some Found It Funny and Interesting

It got people asking for more

Image: Facebook (Uptown At Farrer Official)

It got people talking

Image: Facebook (Uptown At Farrer Official)

And it got people tagging other friends

Image: Facebook (Uptown At Farrer Official)

Others Found It Offensive

Of course, because this is the internet, and you can’t please everyone, there are some who found the video offensive.


Several people have raised up the issue of the ad being too stereotypical, and the wife relegated to the position of a “prop” without much lines.

No intelligent woman will accept this, one of the detractors said, and in real estate, you don’t mess with the wife because it’s her who will decide where the family lives.

Reader Bao: Wait, isn’t that last statement stereotypical-

Moving on.

Others pointed out that the man in the ad is portrayed as a “distasteful” person, which is far from the truth.

Nonetheless, the property developer has apologised for the ad and said they had never intended for the ad to be offensive.


But no matter good or bad, one thing for sure, the final winner here is Low Keng Huat and we all know why.

How did you find the ad yourself?