Pictures of Chio Bu Wife & Not-So-Handsum Hubby Give Us Guys Hope for the Future

Last Updated on 2019-12-22 , 6:31 pm

Single guys out there, don’t despair just yet. This guy in Phnom Penh proves that there is someone out there for everyone.

Not saying he’s terribly ugly or anything. Just take a look at the couple’s pictures, and tell me if you noticed anything.


I bet the first thing you noticed is the girl. And I wouldn’t blame you for that.

If I didn’t tell you, you probably wouldn’t have believed they were a couple. Like husband and wife couple. Husband and wife with a kid couple.


I don’t think it’s nice to comment on how people look, so I’m just gonna say the girl fits the profile for a conventionally cute and attractive individual, and the guy not so much.

The girl, Lucy LuvElla on Facebook, is apparently a beauty and skincare businesswoman, with nearly 80,000 followers. Her husband, Pen Visa, isn’t too shabby either, with more than 50,000 followers to his name.

Understandably, the pictures of their family went viral online, with many people commenting (some nastier than others) on both their looks.

With a heart of gold, I guess anyone can find the one.

Enough talk, here’s more pictures.


You’re welcome.