Viral Uncle Who Took on 3 Men in Car Park Explained What Caused the Fight & What Happened After That


Netizens love him…

Men fear him…

Women, uh, okay I don’t know how women feel about him, but he’s certainly the talk of the town at the moment…

Yes, I’m talking, of course, about the Jacked Uncle of Golden Mile Tower. 

Image: YouTube (SG Road Vigilante)

After beating up three guys with his steel fists, the man finally explained what caused the fight.

But before that, here’s a brief summary of what happened:

Uncle Beats Up Three Men in Golden Mile Tower Carpark

On 11 Nov, Facebook group SG Road Vigilante shared a video of a fight.

Now, this wasn’t your typical fight, where two people ineffectively exchange blows after a heated dispute.

In this fight, one uncle was pitted against three men.

At the start of the video, the three men can be seen arguing with the uncle and a woman who was next to him.

They would soon find out that they had messed with the wrong uncle.

Jacked Uncle pushes one of the men – in a black t-shirt – who was in his face, and the man comes back towards Jacked Uncle intending to retaliate.

However, he was knocked out before he could even land a blow.

Image: Imgflip

Jacked Uncle went on to send the other two men flying to the floor, before knocking out the first man again. 

Image: Imgflip

According to one netizen, Jacked Uncle then tells the three men in Hokkien: “I told you all not to find trouble.”

So, what was the dispute all about?


Defending Wife Against Drunk Men

In an interview with Lianhe Zaobao, the jacked uncle said the video was not an accurate depiction of what happened.

The men had actually provoked him and his wife, and he was simply defending her.

“My wife and I were about to leave for home when two men approached us in a provocative manner. They appeared to be drunk. Their friend arrived shortly in a Porsche and joined them in provoking us.”

The men surrounded him and kept shouting, so his wife got out of their car and attempted to defuse the situation.

But one of the men turned his attentions to her instead.


“He pushed my wife, and the other hit me on the shoulder. I wanted to prevent them from hurting my wife and to protect myself, so I fought back in self-defence.”

And fight back he certainly did. 

As for the knockout punch, the swole uncle said the knocked-out man wasn’t as badly injured as it seemed.

“He got up after less than five minutes. They then quickly drove away,” he said.

Before the fight, the men had parked their Porsche in the middle of the carpark, obstructing other vehicles and causing a jam.

Jacked Uncle finally told them to move the car after the fight ended, and because the three of them probably needed a change of pants, they agreed.


Some of the drivers stuck in the jam left their name cards with Jacked Uncle after the fight, saying they would testify if needed.

As they were trying to gang up on the uncle and his wife, many netizens believe the three men got what they deserved.

What do you think?

Featured Image: YouTube (SG Road Vigilante)