Western Shop In S’pore Chases Customer Away Cos’ They ‘Don’t Owe Them a Living’

It’s one thing to be rude to customers who are plain demanding, but it’s another thing to be rude to them when they don’t deserve it AND make spiteful comments at the same time.  

A recent post was made by Andy Wong on Facebook recounting his horrible experience at the The Western Co, a western eatery at Tyrwhitt Road.


Andy was supposed to treat his friends to the meal at the eatery when he realized that he did not have any cash with him. And since he received a “we only accept nets” confirmation from the eatery when he made the reservation the day before, he went ahead without cash.

Made a reservation the day before via sms and received a text confirmation with stated “we only accept nets”. So I thought it was a typo and they accept both cash and nets hence the following day I went to the place with my friends without withdrawing cash.

But when he was about to pay for the meal, the lady at the counter said the eatery only accepted cash.

The lady over the counter said no as they only accept cash. I told her that I do not have enough cash with me as i was told via msg that they accept nets.

She repeated again, “No, we only accept cash”. So I took out my phone and showed her the message. She read it and said the same thing. Ok maybe they typed wrongly but it seems like its my fault for not having the cash.

Feeling disgruntled, Andy headed back to his seat and asked if his friends had cash to spare so that he can first fork for the meal. However, the lady over the counter wasn’t happy with the encounter.

What happened next was shocking. I turned around to see the lady from the counter (my friends said she had rushed over to our table) standing behind me. She said,

Lady : “Its just nets, why are you so unhappy about”
Me: “Do you mean as a customer, I cannot be unhappy about things?”
Lady: “If you are unhappy, you don’t have to eat here. You can leave. We are all educated people. We don’t owe you a living.” [She repeated that she doesnt owe us a living a couple of times throughout]
Me: “Ok fine, im not eating here”
Lady: “Ok thanks, please leave”.

While they were about to leave, the co-owner heard their complaints and stepped up to assist. However, the lady insisted that they do not have to serve Andy and his friends, and that they were welcome to leave.

One of my friend told him that he already ordered and paid for some stuff and they haven’t served it. So the lady just said ‘get them the refund” and said something else which I cldnt remeber. Guy went to the cashier machine, took the money returned us and we left. 

Throughout, the lady keep saying, “yes you can leave, thanks, yes please leave, thanks”. The thanks was sarcastic throughout.

The full Facebook post can be found here:

This article was first published on Goodyfeed.com