What’s the Best Sleeping Position? Here’re the Best and the Worst Sleeping Positions

Last Updated on 2022-05-14 , 12:53 pm

Do you often wake up with back pain after your night’s slumber? This could be due to the position you sleep in and it greatly affects our daily lives as an adult need to get at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night.

But for many, this is not easy to do.

According to Dr Hooman Melamed, a noted orthopaedic spine surgeon, approximately eighty percent of us will experience back problems that are caused by the position we sleep in.

As we easily spend one-third of our lives sleeping, this is definitely a cause for concern.

Here are some of the best and worst sleeping positions that you should know to fully get the best out of your time in slumberland.

Best Position: Sleeping on your back

Image: thesleepjudge.com

This is the best position to sleep in according to several experts as it keeps the head, neck and spine aligned and in a neutral position. One good example of this position is the Starfish, which is said to help reduce wrinkles and breakouts as your face skin is not in contact with dirty sheets.

Your head is elevated, which means that you can prevent heartburn as your stomach will be situated below the oesophagus.

However, sleeping in this position might cause you to snore. Not bad of a compromise, eh?

Second Best: On your side

Image: sleepcareonline.com

If you have sleep apnea, snoring or is pregnant, this is a good position to sleep in. It helps to elongate your spine which in turn reduces back pain. It is important to note that sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles and even sagging breasts.

Choosing the left or right side is also pivotal. If you are likely to experience heartburn, then do not sleep on your right side. Sleeping on the left side reduces acid reflux but will strain your internal organs, and this is the recommended position for pregnant women to encourage blood flow.

For side sleepers, doctors advise that it is best to prop your head with an ergonomic pillow, a small pillow beneath your stomach and one between your legs.

Worst Position: On your stomach

Image: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com

If you are a stomach sleeper, you should definitely consider changing position. This position does nothing to support your spine and can even cause overarching.

Sleeping on your stomach also puts pressure on your joints and muscles which may result in pain, numbness and tingling. It helps in keeping upper airways open which is good for snorers but is not recommended for an optimal sleeping position.

Now that you know which positions are good for you, try them out tonight and drift off into sweet dreams and wake up feeling refreshed and perky!

Featured Image: thesleepjudge.com + Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com