Man Jailed After Smashing Neighbours’ Windows As He Thought They Were Smoking


While you’re probably here to read about how a man has lost his cool and smashed his neighbours’ windows after smelling cigarette smoke, here’s something new from this story: one charge of failing to wear a mask in the corridor was also taken into consideration.

Wait, what?

Image: giphy

It’s an offence for not wearing a mask at the corridor?

Well, it seems so.

Man Jailed After Smashing Neighbours’ Windows As He Thought They Were Smoking

This isn’t a new story; if you’ve downloaded our app and come in daily, you’d have known about this case.

However, the new development is his sentencing.

For a start, during the Circuit Breaker period, the number of complaints from neighbours due to smoking and noise has skyrocketed.

But 52-year-old Yee Choon Wah took it to a whole new level.

On 18 April 2020 at about 6:30pm, when we were all in CB mode with CB mood, he thought he smelled cigarette smoke in his house.

The man then went from CB mode to hulk mode as he grabbed a golf club and left his house.

He smashed two neighbours’ windows, and went back home.

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Now, do note that it’s unknown whether any of the two neighbours were smoking. Heck, it wasn’t even revealed if there was indeed a smoke.

In one of the flats, a woman was inside and a glass shard fell and cut her forearm.

The total cost of the damages was $800.

4 Offences in Total

Other than causing hurt to the female neighbour, 3 other charges were taken into consideration.

  1. Mischief for breaking the other neighbour’s windows
  2. Leaving house without a reasonable reason because it’s the Circuit Breaker period
  3. Failing to wear a mask in the corridor

Yes, that means being at the corridor is considered leaving the house.


*Proceeds to wear a mask when leaving the house to dump rubbish*

During that time, Yee was jobless. He has not made any restitution to the victims.

Today, he’s sentenced to 4 weeks’ jail for causing hurt to the woman.

If you’re like Yee who’s been fighting cabin fever, stress and probably financial difficulties, you might want to take up meditation to calm down.

You might associate this with religion but no: meditation works for everyone.


Other that studies that show it works, many people have sworn by it to remove anxiety and worries. How would staying put for ten minutes help to calm one down, you ask.

After all, you want to calm down the entire day, and not just for that ten minutes, right?

For some reason, when you clear your thoughts for ten minutes, that’ll somehow also clear some anxiety off your mind. Don’t ask me why; our mind just works like that. Even if it’s a placebo effect, it works because placebo is all about tricking the mind, isn’t it?

To meditate, simply go to YouTube and search for “meditation”—you can start slow with a one-minute meditation daily and slowly move on to longer meditation sessions.

Even after the COVID-19 outbreak is over, you can still keep this good habit because people would still be smoking.