Woman Got Large Bald Spot While Straightening & Dyeing Hair; Salon Denies Wrongdoing After Customer Demands $10k Compensation

For some of us, choosing a hairdresser is as tough as picking out your BTO flat.

A good haircut can enhance your attractiveness, while a bad one will make you want to stay curled up in your room.

Many of us have had at least one bad haircut in our lives, but the pain never lasts long, of course, as our hair eventually grows out.

But what would you do if you ended up with a huge bald spot after visiting a salon?

Well, that’s allegedly what happened to one woman in Jurong.

Woman Got Large Bald Spot While Straightening & Dyeing Hair

She recounted the upsetting incident in a Facebook post on Friday (15 Jan).

The woman said she visited a salon along Jurong West Street 41 last year to straighten and dye her hair.

She had visited the salon on two previous occasions, and likely expected everything to be fine and dandy.

The treatment started with a chemical application that was supposed to soften her hair. It was left in for an hour.

The woman said she experienced some itching and burning, but didn’t think much of it.

The hairdresser then soaked the lady’s hair with an unknown chemical, and this was when her “worst nightmare” came true.

As the hairdresser started combing through the customer’s hair, clumps of her hair allegedly starting coming out.

Image: Facebook (Kelestine Kee)

The customer initially thought that it was a small clump that fell out, and could be rectified by cutting her hair short.

But she then realised, to her horror, that there was a large bald spot on her head.

Image: Facebook (Kelestine Kee)

The hairdresser then allegedly said that she didn’t check to see if the customer had a bald spot before she came, so she couldn’t be sure it was because of the procedure.

Image: Facebook (Kelestine Kee)

The customer found this absurd, arguing that if there was indeed a bald spot on her head when she walked in, the hairdresser would have noticed it.

Even though the procedure wasn’t finished, the customer asked to leave. She wanted to pay for procedure as well, but the hairdresser wouldn’t take her money.

The customer’s troubles should have ended there, but she then discovered that she had “multiple” bald spots, and was told by another hairdresser that she might have to shave her head.

Fortunately for her, it never came to that, as she only needed to cut her hair a little shorter.

Salon Denies Wrongdoing After Customer Demands $10k

Two days later, the customer visited the salon once again and was met with profuse apologies.

The customer was told that she’d have to seek professional treatment for her scalp to speed hair growth.

Aggrieved, she asked for compensation of $10,000, but the salon refused.

Then, on Friday, she received a lawyer’s letter from the salon, denying all responsibility for the incident.

She said she still deals with hair loss every time she washes her hair, and has to conceal the bald spots whenever she goes out.

“The mental torture; it’s no joke,” she said.

You can read the entire post here:

Featured Image: Facebook (Kelestine Kee)