Woman Called Man to Lower Down Volume of Music in Bus But It Turned into ‘Who Stomp Who’ Match

You know, I really enjoy watching video clips of arguments on public transport that circulate around Facebook.

Maybe I like to watch the world burn, I don’t know.

Image: Giphy

But they’re pretty entertaining to me, so I’m always looking out for the next one.

If that’s you as well, then you’re in luck!

Well, you knew that already. Because you saw the headline and came in to read the article.

Spoilers sia.

Man Flipped After Woman Asked Him To Lower His Music Volume

We’ve all encountered someone like that once in a while.

People who apparently are so hard of hearing that they turn up their volume to the point that I can sing along to their music on their earpiece… through my own earpiece.

And then there are some who skip out on using earpieces altogether, and just blast their song out loud on their phone.

Eh, go work as a DJ at Zouk la.

Okay well, this happened on a bus 186 travelling along Queensway at 9 am.

I’m guessing this man belonged in the latter example, and apparently it was getting too loud for basically everyone in the bus.

A woman then spoke up, asking him to turn down for what the volume.

Image: Giphy

Well, he didn’t like that. Not at all.

He absolutely flipped and started his rage against the woman, threatening to call the police on her for stopping him from playing his music.

Screaming STOMP-Threat Match

Image: Nyafuu Archive

Okay to be fair, the woman never screamed, and in fact remained rather calm throughout the video clip shown.

In the video provided by an anonymous Stomper who appeared to be a third party recording the argument, the man was extremely agitated, claiming that “I complain you instead! I should be the complainant!”

The woman responded pretty calmly and repeatedly, “Would you like to be on STOMP?”

“I will put your photo over there instead, because you stopped me from playing music, that is wrong of you! Not me!” said the man. “Because you made me angry in the first place and I’ve got every right to vent my feeling! You did the wrong thing!”

He was screaming with such furious anger, he could pretty sing the chorus of Faint by Linkin Park without issue.

Image: Tumblr

The anonymous Stomper then added that the argument lasted about fifteen minutes and the bus driver was about to call the police, but the man left the bus and they decided to let it go.

Well, seeing as both the man and the woman were recording each other in their own videos, we might expect them to be uploaded on Facebook soon.

Looking forward.

You can watch the story unfold through a third party here.