Woman Panicked & Pleaded Profusely After Caught Stealing Toilet Paper; Netizens Divided over TikToker’s Actions

A TikTok video capturing a woman stealing toilet paper rolls has quickly gone viral, garnering over 57,900 views since it was uploaded. 

The video, uploaded by TikTok user @Jimmyho94 on 28 May 2023, depicts a masked woman being confronted for her actions at the Toyota Leng Kee Service Centre.

In the video, Mr Jimmy Ho, who was behind the camera, repeatedly questions the woman, who is seen carrying a tote bag.

He repeatedly probes her about her theft, asking her which items she stole.

Appearing eager to escape the situation, the woman opens her tote bag, revealing the stolen items, and admits that she only stole toilet paper rolls and will put them back.

Not The First Time The Woman Was Caught Stealing Toilet Paper

@jimmyho94♬ 芭比q了 – 邓家忠

In the video, Mr Ho reveals that this is not the first instance he has witnessed the woman stealing toilet paper rolls from the service centre. 

He explains that in the past, he chose not to take action out of goodwill and allowed her to go free.

However, after noticing the woman’s repeated visits to the centre approximately five times, Mr Ho decided it was time to escalate the matter to the authorities of the establishment.

As the woman realises the severity of the situation, she can be seen desperately pleading for forgiveness, expressing her willingness to correct her mistake by returning the stolen items.

Despite her pleas, Mr Ho remains resolute.

He continues recording her, explaining that he has witnessed her stealing from the centre “too many times”, making it difficult for him to let her off lightly.

He then requests that the woman return the stolen toilet paper rolls right before him, leading her to lay them out on a seat.

In a state of visible panic, the woman then declares that she will no longer visit the Toyota Leng Kee Service Centre to steal toilet paper rolls.

TikToker Only Let Woman Go After Forcing Her To Expose Her Face On Camera

Observing the woman’s visible remorse and admission of guilt, Mr Ho ultimately decides not to report her further. 

However, he maintains his insistence that she removes her mask and reveals her face on camera, aiming to create awareness among viewers and potentially deter similar incidents elsewhere.

With her mask removed, the woman appears on the verge of tears and can be heard continuously apologising profusely for her actions.

However, Mr Ho continues to chide her for her behaviour.

Subsequently, Mr Ho follows the woman out of the building, keeping a watchful eye as she enters her car, ensuring she has indeed left the premises. 

He then finally ceases his filming after doing so.

Some Netizens Felt the TikToker Could Have Been Kinder To the Woman

While some netizens have commended Mr Ho’s actions, emphasising the importance of calling out theft, some netizens sympathised with the woman and criticised his handling of the situation.

Image: TikTok (@jimmyho94)

Critics pointed out that Mr Ho could have handled the situation more discreetly instead of publicly embarrassing and exposing the woman by sharing her face online, suggesting that he could have opted for a private warning.

Additionally, some netizens expressed understanding towards the woman’s actions, acknowledging that while they were illegal, the rising prices of toilet paper due to the pandemic and inflation may have contributed to her desperation.

Reports indicate that global pulp costs have increased, leading toilet paper manufacturers, including Kimberly-Clark Corp, to implement price hikes to protect their profit margins.

Nevertheless, it is essential to emphasise that theft is illegal in Singapore, and individuals like the woman caught stealing toilet paper may face community-based sentences upon conviction if they are first-time offenders.

Meanwhile, it’s also important to note that Mr Ho isn’t entirely guiltless here as he had filmed the woman without consent and could be sued for filming her without permission.