Woman Died During Operation At Unlicensed Plastic Surgery Clinic

Time and again we’re told that the seemingly perfect pictures we see on social media are not real.

The photos could have undergone some degree of editing, or it could be the angle at which they are taken.

This is something we’re perfectly aware of. However, deep down, most of us wished we were a “better version” of ourselves.

I mean, just watch this video we’ve done and you’ll understand:

And with more influential people getting cosmetic surgeries, going under the knife has become a common occurrence.

There’s Nothing Wrong with Wanting to Boost Your Confidence.

The problem is that youngsters are exposed to social media, and gradually develop a perception that they should look a certain way because they are easily influenced. In America, more than 200,000 teens had plastic surgery done last year.

Should you decide to go ahead with the cosmetic procedure, never overlook the importance of conducting research. In addition, going with the cheapest option may not always be a good choice. After all, you get what you pay for.

Any form of surgery comes with high risks but a 28-year-old was unprepared for what was to come.

Plastic surgery cost a woman her life

According to Oriental Daily, a woman in her late 20s passed away during cosmetic surgery in China on 18 August 2019, Sunday,

She left behind her husband and two 2-year-old sons.

Image: Oriental Daily

The clinic where she got the procedure was reportedly unlicensed to conduct plastic surgery and is being investigated by the police.

To make things worse, employees hid the lady’s passing from her family initially under the pretence of a “small accident” and that doctors were still trying to resuscitate her.

Though the exact reason for the 28-year-old’s death is unknown, she reportedly bled profusely from her nose. On top of that, her corpse was last seen with pinhole marks on her neck, eyes and nose.

Reports revealed that the woman went under the knife without her husband’s knowledge. He only found out when he received a sudden call from the clinic.

Evidence was Tampered With

Family members were told to wait but her husband sensed that something was terribly wrong and called other hospitals to provide assistance. To his surprise, they had already had an unsuccessful attempt.

It came as a big blow to him and he later dialled the police, requesting to see the clinic’s CCTV footage.

Here comes the second blow – a crucial portion of the CCTV footage was later discovered to be removed.

Eventually, the clinic agreed to show the woman’s husband a document with the various procedures (forehead fillers, neck fillers, lower body fillers and breast augmentation) she had undergone, complete with her signature.

The problem is that the document wasn’t signed by her, according to her husband.

Image: Oriental Daily

After looking through the 28-year-old’s phone, her husband learned that the secret procedure was introduced to her by the clinic’s nurse, Zhao.

The nurse was arrested and the clinic has been ordered to cease operation.

The actions of the clinic are undoubtedly unacceptable and one can only wonder else they are hiding.

On that note, we sure hope the truth comes to light soon.