Woman Steals Phone Behind Owner’s Back, Then Buys Another Item

There are three hard rules to follow in Singapore:

  • Don’t be an NUS student that got away with molesting a girl
  • Don’t miss out on a good deal
  • And don’t think nobody’s watching you when you do something wrong.

One lady forgot the last rule and shot into fame overnight.

On 28 Sep, popular Facebook page All Singapore Stuff uploaded a CCTV footage.

It shows this ingenious thief pretending to buy another item while swiping a phone off the display counter when the shopkeeper was sufficiently distracted.

Here’s What Happened

The incident allegedly happened at a Woodlands phone shop.

From the video, it seems like the woman asked for an item located at the end of the shop.

When the shopkeeper turned around (with the lady in red immersed in her phone), she quickly swiped a phone off the display counter.

She managed to put the phone into her bag without anyone noticing her actions.

Unsuspecting, the shopkeeper handed her the item she had previously asked for, which she nonchalantly paid for the item before walking out.

The shopkeeper sensed something amiss and lingered at the area, looking intently at his display shelves.

Alas, she would have gotten away with the perfect crime if not for the CCTV overlooking the shop, which captured her face and her actions.

You can watch the video below: 

Owner Appealed To Netizens For Help

The owner, who identified himself as Jimmy, revealed that the phone stolen was an Oppo phone.

He asked netizens to help share and spread the video so that the lady thief would be caught soon.

Although, why share it online and appeal for help when you can get the cops to apprehend her (with CCTV footage somemore), no one knows.

Moral Of The Story

Image: singaporecrimes.blogspot.com

Yes, we understand that such things will happen in Singapore, but whether we take precautions, that’s another matter.

After all, you wouldn’t leave your wallet and phone lying on the table while you eat when you’re in, say, Malaysia, but you still do that when you’re in Singapore.

So no matter whether you’re a shopkeeper or just someone having mee pok in a coffee shop, make sure to always take care of your valuables.

And if you’re an aspiring thief, just know that someone’s always watching. And by someone, I mean cameras.

There are cameras to catch people smoking, high-rise killer litter and even reckless PMD behaviour.

And when you take into account the number of mobile phones ready to send you to internet infamy, well, you’re looking at over a million cameras always on the lookout for wrongdoings.

After all, the biggest threat today isn’t want me to punch you ah? 

It’s “I’ll make you famous hor!”