Monkeys Spotted in Woodland HDB Flat, Chilling at Corridor Like a Boss

Monkeys are reputable climbers, so it’s little wonder why they are often associated with trees and vines.

As long as it’s grippable, they’re probably there.

Yet, even with their height-scaling tendencies, one wouldn’t normally expect to see them near the residential vicinity…

Much less right outside your home.

Yes folks, you did not read the headline wrong.

Monkeys were spotted in a Woodlands HDB flat, and apparently, they couldn’t care less about what their new ‘neighbours’ thought of them.

Monkeys Spotted in Woodland HDB Flat, Chilling at Corridor Like a Boss

According to MustShareNewsresidents at Block 874 Woodlands Street 82 had encountered a couple of unexpected visitors on Saturday (19 Sep).

Really unexpected guests, I might add.

Apparently, a bunch of monkeys had decided to drop by the vicinity…

And no, I’m not referring to your typical Ah Beng and Ah Seng, but real actual monkeys.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

In a short video of the scene, which was posted to Complaint Singapore Facebook group at 5:18 p.m. the next day, a group of monkeys could be seen ‘lepak-ing’ at the corridor of an HDB estate.

Apparently, a resident had happened to come across the monkeys, which were perched on level 2 of Block 874 Woodland Streets 82.

Situated atop the HDB corridor ledge, they seemed to be chilling…


Boss: Oi, you saying that I’m a monkey is it?

Anyway, it seems that several residents were unaware of the furry party going on above them, as they unknowingly walked past underneath the block.

Meanwhile, the critters got up and started sneaking towards the right.

Maybe they saw a peach somewhere. Just guessing.

You can view the video here.

Woodlands residents pls close ur door, monkeys in operation 🤣Sept 19th 20201645hrs

Posted by ‎حليم يوسف‎ on Saturday, 19 September 2020

And Netizens Could Not Help Themselves

In situations like this, you can always count on Netizens to provide some really cynical, humorous ‘feedback’. And it seems that on this particular occasion…

They did not disappoint.

After the post gained traction, netizens turned up to poke fun at the phenomenon, with one making a rather ‘non-subtle’ comparison.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

Well, someone best prepare a burn heal asap. 

And a prayer charm for their audacity too.

Meanwhile, another made a very ‘valid’ inquiry.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

Well, I’m sure they are law-abiding critters of the jungle, so they must have checked into SafeEntry on their way in.

Probably. No idea how the Wi-Fi works for monkey-catered gadgets though.

Though at the very least, someone did raise a relatively pertinent question.

Image: Facebook (Complaint Singapore)

Relatively. Also…

Time to confiscate some bananas from them for breaching the rules.

All Jokes Aside…

Should you encounter such a situation, please refrain from feeding them, as they may feel encouraged to stay on and not return to the forest.

Seek to minimise contact with them, and keep all sources of food well-hidden from plain sight. This will reduce the chances of a monkey-led visit to your home.

If monkeys somehow entered your home, do not panic. Instead, try to follow the listed guidelines provided by the National Parks Board (NParks).

  • Stay calm and refrain from making any sudden movements
  • Avoid eye contact with the critters
  • Look for a viable exit that the monkeys could leave through
  • To usher them towards the exit, hit the ground repeatedly with a stick. However, please refrain from cornering them
  • You can also direct a strong jet of water at monkeys to guide their line of path
  • Do not try to hit them

And if you happen to have a child with you, you can try perching them on your own shoulders.

This will add to your ‘size’, which may deter monkeys from getting any closer.

Though of course, if you look like this guy

You can probably get away with it even without any help.

Not The First Time

Incidentally, this is not the first time that monkeys have ‘intruded’ upon human shores.

In a video posted on 1 August, a long-tailed macaque could be seen stealing a loaf of bread from a supermarket and running off with it.

And later on in the same month, a young macaque was spotted playing with a discarded bubble tea cup, with another biting into a takeaway plate.

Though these may seem like separate incidents, it should be noted that monkeys have been seen scavenging for food in trash bins in the past.

Which seems to point towards a worrying trend of monkeys turning to human-sourced food in particular instances.

Now, one could always project it as a mere coincidence. After all, they are not that common, right?

Well, that could be true.

However, it could also point to two specific circumstances:

  • Natural food sources are running low for the critters
  • Someone has been feeding monkeys against the law

And though you may dismiss it as pure speculation on my part, I can’t help but wonder whether we should still take everything with a grain of salt…

Or start recognising the notion for what it is…

That our wildlife may be more deprived than we previously thought.