Dad Reportedly Ran Over His 2YO Daughter in Woodlands Car Park With a Van, Killing Her

On Monday (13 Mar), a terrible incident claimed the life of a two-year-old toddler in Woodlands.

The tragedy is even more heartbreaking when it was uncovered that the father was responsible for the death.

What Happened 

According to Shin Min Daily News, on Monday afternoon, the girl’s family of four, including her parents and four-year-old brother, were having their meal at the coffee shop at Woodlands Street 32, Block 326.

The father went ahead to start the van while his wife and children were following shortly behind.

The baby stroller carrying the girl was left on the driveway near the truck.

The girl had reportedly “slipped out” of the stroller as it slide down the driveway and fell into a blind spot.

As the man pulled the van out of the open-air parking lot, the vehicle accidentally struck and ran over the girl.

According to a video posted on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook, a “loud bang” was heard at the time of the collision.

The father immediately rushed out of his van to hug his daughter’s body while the mother was “screaming and crying in despair”.

Foreign workers nearby had run over to help the family, and a call for assistance was made shortly by other residents.

Image: SGRV Front Man(Facebook)

As seen in the screenshot above, many bystanders came up to assist and hold umbrellas for the family.

Paramedics arrived shortly, and three people were swiftly conveyed to the nearest hospital.

The police later cordoned off the area.

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Father Arrested

The following day (14 Mar), The Straits Times reported that the toddler was unconscious when taken to the hospital.

She had unfortunately passed away from her injuries, and the 33-year-old father had been arrested for careless driving causing hurt.

There is no mention of what the next course of action will be taken on the father, nor any updates for the remaining family members.

While the case is undoubtedly an unfortunate tragedy, this stressed the importance of parental guidance for children near or walking on the road.

Remember to never let your little ones wander around out of your sight, no matter how seemingly “safe” the environment is.