Woman’s Leg Got Cut by Electric Bike When Food Rider Rode Past Her, Leaving a 7cm Wound

On 20 July at around 11am, in front of a condominium on Woodlands Drive 16, 36-year-old accountant, Ms Wong (王女士), walked outside her apartment block along with two other neighbours to collect their parcels.

On that day, the delivery van was only allowed to stop outside the condominium so they had to go there and collect their stuff instead.

While standing at the roadside, a 30-year-old food delivery man riding an electric bicycle suddenly rode past her.

He was going very fast and came very close to Ms Wong.

When he went by, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her left ankle.

Looking down, she saw that there’s a long gash on her ankle, deep enough to expose the bone within.

Blood poured from the nasty gash.

Since there’s no such thing as an invisible knife floating around attacking random people’s ankles, it’s safe to assume that it’s probably one of the sharp parts of the electric bicycle that had caused the 7cm wound

The food delivery guy even tried to escape the scene by saying he has urgent deliveries to deliver.

Thankfully, the neighbours who were with the lady helped stop the guy from leaving.

As the blood kept flowing down her foot, the accountant was shocked frozen.

Thinking quickly on his feet, her male neighbour removed his jacket and used it to stop the bleeding.

After receiving news of his wife’s injury, Ms Wong’s 45-year-old architect husband, Mr Peng (彭先生), immediately rushed to the scene of the incident to help stop the delivery rider from leaving.

The additional support allowed the female neighbour to go grab an emergency first aid kit from the security office of their condominium block.

With the kit in hand, Mr Peng helped his wife bandage her wound.

Not long after, the ambulance and the police arrived, and Ms Wong was sent to the hospital to receive proper treatment.

A police report was filed and the investigation is currently underway.

A Close Call

Ms Wong was pretty lucky considering that the cut came dangerously close to severing her ligament.

If that had happened, she might need surgery and physical therapy which will definitely total up to more than what she had to pay – S$9,000.

Of course, the recovery period would have been much longer.

Luckily, most of the medical expenses can be claimed thanks to Ms Wong’s medical insurance.

This is why Mr Peng has decided to not pursue any compensation from the food delivery man.

The food delivery rider, on the other hand, has admitted to causing the injury, and apologized to Ms Wong.

Although currently unnecessary, he has also agreed to cover her medical expenses.

In case you’re wondering why is there still no such ban on such vehicles. Well, there is but there are exceptions. Learn more about it here:

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Featured Image: Tricky_Shark/ shutterstock.com; Google Maps